For Israel and Palestine to come to the table to negotiate a peace
plan will need all the politicians to have a common theme of peace…
…The world now looks to Israel and Palestine to sort out lasting
peace arrangements
The world is totally fed up of this continuous cauldron of
obstinate inactivity…
…where egos and saving face far outweigh what is now necessary for
the people
The political machine must exercise restraint and at the same time
there has to be a lasting trust…
…where settlements are maintained and where people can at last
learn to live together
We are all people of God. We are all special and unless we do the
right thing here, so we will be judged by our inaction and arrogance
Arrogance has no place in a peace process. It has to be for the greater good of the
people on both sides
China is now hitting a wall of Global dissatisfaction…
…They are seen as perpetrators of everybody who steps in their way
regardless of colour, creed or class
They are the Pirayas of the present world and in time their own
people will rise up against them with a force not known in their lifetime
The stirrings of the Chinese people against their own Government
are starting to rumble and…
…the hierarchy are now concerned as to whether they can keep a lid
on it
Tibet is being openly defiant and to the last man, woman or child
they will have their say against the oppression of China
Like all bully regimes, which is based on hot air and a clenched
fist, they cannot hold down a people indefinitely…
…See the Chinese people revolt. Their time will come!
It is a shame that Dr Rowan Williams did not do more about the gap
between the rich and the poor…
…As a high ranking churchman, his service is to the people, his
flock and his responsibility before God
To voice his concerns now that he is leaving office is paramount to
locking the stable door after the horse has bolted
What on earth has Dr Williams been doing all this time in office?
…He should have been out in the streets organising shelter for the
homeless and not sit pontificating in his ivory tower
The poor need help.
Everybody who has reached that rock bottom position understands that…
…Everybody in the world needs help at one time or another and the
poor more than most
The Church’s job is to look after these people, make provisions for
these people, as their solemn duty before God…
…The Church, as always, is found wanting. Is it any wonder nobody
goes anymore? They can’t afford it!
The Dalia Llama, the spiritual leader, has a responsibility towards
his people in Tibet…
…His quiet dialogue meets with deaf ears on the Chinese Government.
He must support his people
The escalating self-immolations in Tibet will continue until the
world wakes up towards Chinese dominance over a peaceful people
It is easy to bully where there is no opposition. China will have
to face the world on Human Rights Issues and…
…it will be the people of China, who are beginning to stand up and
speak out against their Government
See a new revolution of Chinese people, who are in sympathy with
the Tibetans…
…as they see their plight as almost similar against an oppressive
Syria is entering into civil war, as more unrest throughout all the
cities, is becoming heightened…
…See a great unrest, as arm to arm combat will be openly seen
The Arab League is doing next to nothing to help in this aimless
bloodshed. Their minds are on other things…
…The shame they have on their conscience, as so many innocents are
further slaughtered
Look not to the UN to support Syria, but for Arabs to support
…When will they finally take responsibility and get their own hands
Where is the Arab League’s humanitarian input? They do nothing, but
sit on their thrones expecting the West to do their work for them
While they sit and do nothing, so the pain of their inept attitude
will haunt them for all their days
By Spiritual Law, if you do nothing to come to the aid of your
fellow brothers and sisters…
…so you cannot expect any help when it becomes your turn – which it
All have to stand up and be counted. No Muslim is exempt while
innocent children are being slaughtered. See your own downfall now!
The goings on in the Vatican have largely been conducted behind
closed doors…
…This new revelation of misconduct by the Vatican comes as no
surprise to the many Catholics, who are members of this organisation
If the Vatican seeks to cover up paedophiles within its
organisation what else will it cover up?
They want to be a law unto themselves and give different rules for
their parishioners to live by
Until this organisation finally falls to its knees and is no more,
nothing largely will ever change
There is a growing consensus that the Vatican can no longer preach
one thing to its parishioners anymore…
…There is a gradual, but effective decline in their churches
Their congregations are finally waking up that no priest can give
absolution for the sins of another, only God can do that!
Pakistan as usual is doing their schoolboy antics. If we don’t get
our way and save face with our people, we will resist the US again
Pakistan’s double-dealing is imbedded in the Pakistan’s psyche.
They just don’t know how to play it straight
Pakistan wants everything always on their terms and the world has
to pay highly for their actions…
…It does make one see where India is coming from. They have
first-hand experience of the double-dealing Pakistan gives out continuously
US’s stance in dealing with Osama bin Laden without Pakistan’s
knowledge speaks volumes
Pakistan by their actions in India, Afghanistan and other Muslim
countries show they are not fit to be trusted
The example their leaders give to educate their children is all
about corruption and mistrust. What a legacy for the world to see
The courage and determination of the people of this world to have
human rights is their basic right. Their voices will be heard
The world leaders are too often trying to protect their financial
interests with total disregard for the human rights within those countries
This kind of hypocrisy is noticed the world over. It is the double
standards that we as Nations put up with instead of speaking out
It is only when enough people globally gather together and start to
express their outrage…
…that Governments will be forced to act and support Amnesty
These double standards by Nations, who profit before the rights of
the people, will see those contracts come to nothing
These profits will be lost
Egyptians will have a resounding victory over the army…
…as votes for the army’s representative will fall and an outsider,
who was not predicted, will form a legalised Government
The Egyptian people will finally be able to live and reconstruct
their lives…
…It won’t be a popular vote with the US, but it will be the right
vote for the people
At last the memory of Hosni Mubarak will be no more
To begin from scratch will not be easy, but necessary for the
European Union…
…It is their only hope to untangle a mess, which has lasted for
A push/forced situation will arise giving the EU no choice…
…but to abandon present uncooperative measures, as the monetary
situation further sinks
All fiscal policies now need to be scrapped…
…as country after country is collapsing under the strain of
measures, which act as contrary to what is right
New laws will be written and only a small number of countries will
remain in the European Union and even that in time will break up
It is necessary for Man to stop in his tracks and to see a world
out of control. Even nature is now so unpredictable
For normality to be brought in, a Higher Intelligence will start to
operate, bringing in a removal of negative and irresponsible practices
Many world leaders, kings, queens, despots and tyrants, will see their
removal where they have not served their people
More unrest will occur until the people are heard and, with the
Higher Intelligence behind the divine plan, they will have their retribution
To unify Europe in one complete state would be an impossibility due
to the many contrasting national and social differences…
...Man is an individual and his interests and heritage should
convey that
The more critical differences we have in one country can only
enrich our nation, but one must never forget…
…what equally binds us as a nation and that is we believe in the uniqueness
of that nation, which is different to others
By being part of the one, but equally separate, we are able to live
more freely and…
…to exercise our intellect in a more positive and prosperous way
Stability within our own minds then can allow us to grow and
explore further what is around us, but also what unifies us
President Obama’s G8 meeting at Camp David will make remarkable
strides forwards in so many ways
The Euro situation plan put forward by President Obama’s aids will
not be able to serve its designed purpose
The fundamental flaws in the Eurozone need to be sorted out and not
plastered over
A total stripping down of all financial packages to ensure new
banking regulations are in place…
…with the relevant safeguards, will be the turning point for fiscal
See Angel Merkel’s policies squeezed out of all recognition. Nothing can hold them anymore
The prolific agony of the starving millions of children worldwide
is for the relief agencies a hopeless cause…
…Yet billionaires around the world do not want to see this problem
They are not interested, as there is nothing in it for them
The world is changing from a I-must-have society to what-can-I-do
and what-can-I give, but it is painfully slow
The reason for this is that the majority of people who give is the
man in the street, who has little as it is…
…It is they who give to the various children’s charities of the
How often do we hear of individual billionaires giving to save
these helpless souls? …
Their interest lies elsewhere in obtaining football clubs and
earning a substantial profit from their financial input
Spain’s economic situation will crumple to its knees. All out riots
will explode on the streets
There will be a takeover of certain Spanish banks by influential
corporations to ease the financial pain
See David Cameron emerge as a world leader, as his fight back from
severe austerity measures begins to bear fruit
David Cameron is in a league of his own. He is starting to trust
his instincts more as he grows in stature
To be held by the jugular is nowhere to go for these people. By deciding their own fate new possibilities can come in…
…They deserve that chance to defend their own rights
Never under estimate the resilience of the Greek people. Their
fighting spirit has not yet left them
The Euro is dead for them. They should now negotiate their own
Syria will again split in two as civil war now beckons...
…It is now extremely hard to bring peace to this country. It has gone beyond the point of no return
Kofi Annan’s peace project was never going to work as it never had any teeth against Bashar al-Assad in the first place
Francois Hollande will not make Angela Merkel’s life any easier…
…Both are coming from opposite sides of the track with no middle
ground to play with
See Angel Merkel begin to bend, as her policies are no longer
working. She will be ousted out in time
Greece will set up an interim government with issues to remove
itself from the Euro
See Angela Merkel be reduced in size as German opinion begins to
…The people of Germany have had enough of bearing the brunt of the
entire European debt on their shoulders
See German people rise up and protest against austerity measures.
They too want to see a lifting out of recession. They have had enough
Spain will see many people out on strike, which will bring the
country to its knees
Like Greece, they cannot bear any more pain. The bankers will be
held responsible. They are already a blackened name all over Europe
The banks now need to take their share of the blame for leading
their respective countries into deadlock
A run on the stock markets as overall shares start to plummet,
nothing can hold this false market anymore
See money wiped out almost overnight as shares become almost
worthless. How will the financial situation cope? They will be in chaos!
The need to move on in one’s life is a powerful force. How you deal
with it, in the right way, will determine your state of mind at the time
We are all driven by a Universal Force and must accept the consequences
of our actions should we go wrong
So it has to be by a Universal Force, accepted by the guiding light
of that wisdom, which always takes us to safe ground
As a people, we have to learn to understand what it is that drives
us and by what intelligence
This comes with many years of practice & with that special
knowing that was a part of our lives many years ago, which most of us have lost
Spanish banks cannot secure the debt they hold. They do not have
the reserves to operate this practice. By their own hand they will fall
Until European banks start to act responsibly, so one by one they will
fall. There are not sufficient funds to bail them out anymore
Syria will divide into two, leaving a big hole in their economy.
This country cannot maintain this level of disruption
The people will force Bashar al-Assad out. He will be squeezed to
death as the Law gathers momentum against him
Kofi Annan will see that military action will be brought to bear,
as the peace settlement is a laughing stock for all the world to see
See the US banks come under further pressure to be broken down
President Obama will be coerced into cutting banks into much
smaller institutions. No more will they have the power they always want
US banks have not got rid of their problems, as more exposure
reveals more inaccuracies in their banking policies
As predicted, explosive devises will bring Damascus to a shutdown…
…This city is now approaching a most difficult time and it will
only get worse
See more monitors introduced into Syria to no avail. Bashar
al-Assad has only contempt for any peace plan
His rule is Law and that is how it will be. He can hold out longer,
his people cannot!
The Euro is going to flat line and leave most European countries in
a dilemma with nowhere to turn…
…They have to start dealing with their own economies in order to
For Greece to exist and survive, they need to do some important
plea bargaining and to restructure their own monetary fund…
…There is money in the country. It is just not being handled in the
correct way
See a sea of impulse, a new dimension to strengthen their economy
not before thought of…
…See Greece through their own efforts rise above the parapet and
renew their faith in their own people
The Greeks are a resourceful people. They can overcome this
imaginary deadlock and bring back the trust of their own people
See the new revolution transpire and see German influence fall by
the wayside
A victory for socialist François Hollande will see a new impetus
grow throughout all France…
…What the French people must do is to hold firm and believe in the
new reforms
These new reforms will not come in with a biting edge, but with a
bitter sweet pill that most of France will be able to manage…
…The austerity plan will be shelved no matter what Angela Merkel
has to say
See a new frank exchange of a fresher economic policy, which can
actually work…
…Angela Merkel will find she will need to move on her lock tight
Europe is falling, is already fragmenting and no amount of rigorous
policy can hold this position…
…It is the equivalent of putting a plaster over a gaping wound
For polices to be secure in the UK a more positive and pragmatic
approach needs to be on the agenda
David Cameron appears to be floundering in the electorate’s eyes
and this is disturbing and dangerous for the UK
Forget about the image making and focus on the job in hand…
…The Leveson Inquiry will flag up more starling results and David
Cameron will need to get his act in order
A partial U-turn by George Osborn on his budget reforms will see much
pleasure by the UK people...
…He will be decisive and act quickly. A good result to come in
As predicted Japan’s switching off on its nuclear reactor, it was
and still is unstable…
…Many months of hard work are still in operation to maintain its
safety for the people
A new reactor will be established in under ten years’ time as the
need for electricity far outweighs the supply
Japan’s industries will demand a new look into smaller reactors
with a greater failsafe capacity…
…The people will demand that their electricity is not switched off
in peak times as demand over supply further grows
A hard fought for election will see Nicholas Sarkozy beaten by a
narrow margin…
…His failure for securing the economy in France will be his
A man not seen by the common people as being for the people is what
will ultimately destroy his position in history
Angela Merkel will get off on the wrong foot with Françoise
…He will not be jumping to her tune and she will have to endure
many battles there
The world now involves very much the haves and the have-nots –
nothing much in between…
…Until the balance is put right, the uncertainty for Mankind to
live in peace is non-existent
For those people who live in the West enjoy so much of what is
considered normal expected conditions…
…Running water, toilet facilities, supermarkets filled with food
and petrol at the stations – all are taken for granted and expected
For those who do not have these basic needs of life have no
conception what it is like…
…Many have to walk miles to get water, which is drinkable and other
amenities are not available
One would be in uproar in the Western World to be denied these
human rights, yet we think nothing of those who do not have them…
…It doesn’t even enter our minds
The time is coming, as the new revolution of Mankind grows, …
…that basic requirements will be had for the people as they will
continue to fight until they do
Mervyn King is too late in blaming the recklessness of banks and
blaming the Labour party for stripping the Bank of England…
…of its direct powers. The banks were out of control long before
1997 and nothing was done
Mervyn King should now be doing more to sort out the regulations of
banks in this country and…
…for the man in the street to see that banks are working for him
and not for themselves
French politics and the way both Hollande and Sarkozy are behaving
will see many French citizens fail to attend these polls
To be seen as being civil to one another is what matters. To be true
statesmen then you must have decorum and respect from the people…
…Both candidates have lost that. Their behaviour shows their true
Ms Suu Kyi will make tremendous inroads into the politicising of
Burma’s new democracy. Even the military in time will love her
The reforms in Burma, which are greatly needed, will take a further
boost as the world now gathers to embrace this nation back into the fold
The European banking system will continue to fall. See more
stripping of assets as they too unload their own debts
Finally the people of Europe will be saved as radical reforms by
Governments, to address the people and not the banks, will come about
To know man’s intelligence is to see all about him. What he has done for himself and for the planet…
…Man has risen to heights unknown before the 20th century, yet in his basic thinking, little has changed
He still thinks with the little mind of a child’s expectancy instead of with the superior mind that all life is sacred…
…not expected, but cherished because it is already there
The noble art of recognising all has been created for our comfort and survival and because of that it must not be abused or wasted