Monday, 1 July 2013


As the world has gone mad with constant surveillance upon each other, the level of mistrust and fear is ever growing

Until trust begins to come into our democracy, nothing and nobody is ever safe

Mankind has brought this upon themselves, because nobody is allowed to build up relationships anymore

The one great thing that the old Arabic countries have in common is to build up these relationships over many years

Their rulers know each other and their families know each other, many going to the same school

Therefore a particular trust builds up over years and where dialogue is natural

Sensitive issues are talked about in great detail and partnerships evolve to safeguard alliances made and forged over decades

They don’t need surveillance cameras to spy on each other; they actually talk openly together and deal with issues all the time

Something the West could actually learn from

The present situation with everybody in the West spying on each other only fuels dissent and fear

Peace throughout the world is going through an agonising transformation

It is almost as if the life blood of each person must be sacrificed on the altar of peace to make any difference at all

The pains and the anguish are being felt around the globe and everybody and everything is disturbed to its very roots/core of its existence

These strong vibrational changes are having explosive effects and there is not a human or animal soul which does not feel is effect

As the pain and suffering begins to diminish a more wholesome and productive phase can come into effect

This cleansing will allow for future growth and understanding of the human frailty and condition

It allows us all to see ourselves responsible for so many ills that have been produced around the world…

…because we have collectively allowed for them to happen

With this realisation, we are now able to start a new and begin to rebuild from the past destruction to a better way of living…

…and where peace can then transform the world

A senior Italian cleric has been arrested in connection with the Vatican Bank scandal over allegations of corruption and fraud

A secret service agent and a financial broker have been arrested also

Those in custody have been trying to move €20m illegally into Italy

Pope Francis has given a commission carte blanche to get to the bottom of these scandals

The allegations are that the Vatican has been involved in corruption and money laundering by the bank

It is no wonder that Catholics around the world are leaving the Church in their droves

How can anybody believe in anything that they say, while child abuse, corruption and money laundering goes on?

The Catholic Church have only themselves to blame as they have thought to be above the Law…

…both Mans and Gods in their practices and so now must pay the ultimate price

Their penance will be that this Church will fall dramatically

Their survival will be suspect, as more and more will be found out and revealed

This process now by Spiritual Law is unstoppable, as the roof will come off all the scandals as one by one is found out

A clearing up of all the mess over decades of greed and abject avarice is exposed

The people will vote with their feet as their disgust is noticed

The constant hypocrisy of the Church will be their own downfall; salvation for them is not negotiable!

Sexual grooming of children is expected to be condemned by Muslim leaders across the UK in a sermon to be read to thousands of worshippers

The sermon is to highlight how the Koran emphasises that Muslims must protect children and the vulnerable

Quotations from the Koran forbidding sexual indecency, wickedness and oppression of others are disgraceful and condemning

All this is very fine, but it does not apply to those who wish to practice outside the Koran’s teachings

They do not care what the Koran says: it simply does not apply to them

Therefore these men feel they can do what they like no matter what the consequences of their actions

It would be interesting to know how many of these Muslim men, who groomed these girls for sex, actually went to Mosques each Friday to pray

Their hypocrisy would be seen by all who witness their religious practices

It really is high time the Muslim Imams and the community took a greater stance in sorting out these culprits

These men groomed these school girls for eight years and to say nobody knew anything about it is ridiculous

This is nothing new. It is not an isolated case; these things have been going on in the UK for several years

It is only because they were finally exposed by the girls themselves…

…whose courage it took in fear of their lives that these men were exposed

If the Muslim community do not wish to experience reprisals by the non-Muslim communities, then they have to act decisively

They must start to act responsibly if we are all to continue to live in a democratic society and…

…not be taken advantage of as the UK population is easy going

These kinds of acts would not happen in say, Saudi Arabia for example, as strict penalties and punishments would be enforced

These men may have been given life sentences, but equally have the girls, whose lives have also been destroyed by their wicked acts

A new species of bird has been discovered hiding in plain sight in Cambodia’s capital Phnom Penh

The Cambodian Tailorbird, as it has been named, was first seen in 2009

Now more specimens of the same bird have been sighted in regions around the city

The bird is meticulous in its preparation of its nests and it is a part of the warbler family

The discovery indicates new species may still be found in familiar and unexpected places

What is not surprising is that new species of animals and birds and wildlife are constantly being discovered

The Great Creator is always able to create new life forms and we should not be really surprised

As new souls are created every day, then it has to be feasible that new life in other dimensions is also possible

Our Creator is not redundant and, to suppose that new creation does not exist, is to ignore the science to support this

The Higher Intelligence is not about recycling…

…but about regeneration of what is needed for this planet on which we all live and therefore are all important to each other

The voice of the people have been successful

Brazil’s Congress has rejected the proposal which would have limited the power of federal prosecutors to investigate corruption

A main grievance on corruption that the people had had

Congress also passed a vote to use all royalties from their oil fields for education and health

These are badly needed in Brazil. The shortage of doctors is appalling

As the people remain resolute, their grievances heard, so Governments elected by the people must listen and act

The Emir of Qatar has handed over power to his son, the Heir Apparent Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani

The Emir feels at the age of 61years old that it is now time to hand over to a younger man

Sheikh Tamim, 33 years old, has the confidence and the knowhow to shoulder the responsibility for his country

The young are in touch with what is going on on the ground and…

…where new fresh ideas can be implemented in a better way for the growth of the country

The Emir is a wise man and had done a lot to safeguard his country and his people

Having laid down the foundations he can feel confident in his son’s ability to continue his very good work

It takes a wise ruler to know when it is time to hand over power and when it is also right for the country

Not all rulers are prepared to do that, as they wish to hold on selfishly to power no matter what

Qatar will have a fine ruler with Sheikh Tamim and his father will be very proud of his continuing dynasty

As was predicted only a few months ago that China will suffer with its economy, this is now happening

Chinese stocks have fallen to a 4½ year low amid continued concern over the Governments need to tighten their credit policy

China’s banks have to curtail their reliance on credit

There is fear that the money markets could freeze up, as Chinese banks need to take control now of their cash reserves

They will only be in a position to keep lending to smaller businesses

China is now heading for a credit crunch which had eluded them before, even though they felt the shock waves of it from the USA and Europe

There is a danger, if Chinese banks do not put their houses in order, that…

…Europe and the World will also experience the backlash coming in from the other way

Money, linked to all countries around the world, is exposed to the vulnerability of giving credit…

…without putting in the necessary safeguards for monetary policy

Thus it has a knock on effect to other parts of the world

We all then suffer again

As the world watches on over the fight for his physical life, Nelson Mandela is now taking charge of when he wishes to go

His mind is the determining factor together with when it is his time to finally depart from this world into the next dimension

There he will be greeted with much love and appreciation. His role on this earthly life finally completed

Nelson Mandela will be able to give more help from the next dimension than he is now able to in his run down physical body

His love for his country will see him triumphant and more able to do more than he is in any position to do now

All those people are fully aware of the love and wisdom that is transposed when a deceased relative leaves this earth

They will see this as normal, as they have already grown up with the wisdom handed down from their ancestors on a daily basis

It is only in the western world that this subject is taboo, due to the indoctrination administered by the churches to safeguard their jobs

An Italian court is expected to rule…

…whether ex-PM Silvio Berlusconi paid for sex with an underage prostitute and abused his office as prime minister

As we already know, Berlusconi has been convicted of fraud and is also facing several court cases for misdemeanours throughout his life

This man is in a position of authority, a minister in the Italian Government

He is supposed to have high moral principles, which come with the job

On this he has let Italy and the people down. He has used his authority and might to gain access to whatever he wanted and when

He has only regard for himself and is a blight on Italy and its people

Italy is a strong Catholic country, where morality is supposed to be revered, but in his case he has consistently abused it

Both Man’s Law and Spiritual Law are now becoming effective in bringing this man down, who thinks he is above both Laws

He will have a rude awakening!

According to top banks, they have done their bit to help economic recovery and it is now that Governments must do more

The banks still fail to understand that it is their dishonesty and sharp practice…

…together with their greed that has forced economies to go into decline

Their arrogance, as has been expected, is still not curbed

They now feel that central banks cannot solve structural problems that are preventing a return to strong and sustainable growth

Also at this time, the US Central Bank is planning to stop its asset purchasing programme, which sparked off the market volatility

It is high time the real truth of what banks did to the world economy is continually placed at their door

Never can they be allowed to think that the blame remains elsewhere

Millions lost their homes, livelihoods and where people’s lives had been destroyed by the actions of the banks

The world knows, even if these bankers do not

Recovery to the world economic situation will take decades to recover, perhaps they can think on that!

When you begin to understand that everything is created on this earth by The Higher Intelligence…

…then it is unsurprising to learn that scientists have now discovered that plants have an inbuilt capacity to do maths

Their own inbuilt intelligence allows them to regulate food reserves at night

Research has shown that the amount of starch consumed overnight is calculated by division in the process involving leaf chemicals

Birds use a similar method to preserve fat levels during migration

Scientists are only about their own power to deliver repeated trial experiments on whatever subject they chose to explore

They stringently ignore a Higher Intelligence behind everything that is ever created upon this earth

It is also highly thought down-upon that anything other than what they discover is what is necessary to be believed

Many scientists are now aware of a Higher Intelligence guiding them in their research and their practices

They, as individuals, have had their own proof time and again, yet are reluctant still to voice it openly for fear of being ridiculed

That now no longer matters, as scientists from every discipline just quietly go about their business and…

…thank the Higher Intelligence for helping them

It is in the acknowledgement that a Higher Intelligence is helping them…

…that greater work is now done by these scientists and therefore helps the Greater Good

All those scientists, who understand the Higher Intelligence is behind them steering them to greater discoveries…

…are the ones whose work always exceeds over others

These scientists have testified to this experience, outside the scientific forum of course!

As was previously predicated, the Brazilian people have a voice to change things

Their protests have reversed the increase in public transport fares

Now Brazil’s President is unveiling a series of reforms to curb the anti-government protests

Education will have increased funding and more doctors are being drafted in from overseas to improve their NHS

The President has stated that she is listening to the people and will meet with the leaders of the protests

She needs their contributions, energy and ability

One has to ask the obvious question, “If she is able to do all this now, why was it not done before?”

The people, as always, need answers and action before they will be able to trust what politicians say

Remember the voice of the people can change a nation and a government, never should they be underestimated

Egypt’s and Turkey’s Presidents could well learn from this, or are they to egotistical to even care?

Remember it is the people who are the country…

…not the Governments, who are only there to serve the people, because they are elected by the people

Lose sight of that and it will be to your own downfall

The latest study of pre-school children, who are malnourished, has economic consequences to the country

A 2007 research shows that undernourished children result in losses to national income ranging from 2-11%

It goes without saying, the healthier the child is at an early age, the stronger, fitter and more productive workwise they will become

The poor weakly child has no build-up of resistance to illness and will be a constant drain on society and the nation

It is always in the national interest, as well as the child itself, to invest in healthy stock…

…as with farmers, who look after their cattle to get the maximum yield

All children should be given nutritional help as is their right to live and prosper for the whole of their lives

It is up to Governments to invest in their children, but also in their nation as a whole

With the correct criteria in place, everybody gains and all are happy

As education of the masses now begins to take place and…

…Mankind starts to realise the many consequences of their actions having taken over the years

It is high time that Mankind starts to renew situations and make amends…

…so that a better world can transpire over the mistakes caused by so many

There is now a transformation taking place, where so many hurts and disappointments are now being changed

A motion, which is bringing back justice to the masses and the individual alike…

…is necessary for the world to go forwards and where Mankind can truly learn from the past

The new positive change over has been long in coming, but it is decisive in so many ways

It allows for those who have lost so much to be totally rectified and where a new life can emerge out of the stillness of pain and anguish

The growing concern by many who now see World War III as a strong possibility, is can we survive?

The short answer to this is, “Yes.”

Mankind now has to change its thinking in order to prevent what now is an escalation in the Middle East of various factions

These are not only dangerous, but are likely to incorporate the entire world. Many of which have nuclear weapons

Until the superpowers can come together to sort out Syria; it further spills over into Jordan, Lebanon and Iran

The crisis for many is simply overwhelming

There is a need now for diplomatic pressure on so many fronts to bring a halt to this wholesale slaughter

The Syrian conflict cannot end peacefully; there are too many hurts, too many distrusts

The world cannot now just allow an entire nation to be slaughtered…

…just because Bashar al-Assad still thinks he is the supreme power in Syria

Until banks comply with the new regulations to combat bad banking practice, then the general public will never have any faith in banks

The fact that they were a law unto themselves, as they thought, has long since passed

Their practices are being rigorously monitored and they will continue to be penalised if they fall out of line

No longer will the British tax payer be so lenient and there will be repercussions in Parliament if the banks get out of line again

David Cameron must abide by the new rulings given by the Banking Commissions report and…

…bring back confidence where the public has lost faith

Banks are no longer seen as safe havens anymore

People are now looking for other ways to invest their money, which takes it away from the banking system altogether

At the end of the day the banks have reaped what they have sown

Corruption, greed and a heavy handiness is to their downfall

There are still many banks throughout the world that are still doing a balancing act

Their time will come and reform on a monumental aspect is now in place

The Brazilian people are now in an advantageous position to vent their grievances…

…ahead of the Brazilian Olympics being held in 2016 and also Fifa’s Confederations Cup

The people are seeing vast changes to their lives in the way of new infrastructure and new stadiums being built…

…but their lives have not really changed

They see prices going up, yet facilities for them, which will enhance their lives, are not there

It will be the people to decide how the Government will have to play it, so that the people can see direct benefits coming their way

At this time they have a strong voice

The Government will not wish to have riots before holding the Olympic Games, as it will deter people coming to their country

The people are in a strong position

See many of their demands met, so that the people will be able to benefit for once after so many years in oblivion

Afghan forces have formally taken over security of their country from NATO-led troops

This completes a process which begun in 2011

It is high time that Afghanistan take control of their own disturbances and…

…where they can start to feel a governing spirit, which ultimately will be able to help their entire country

No longer can they blame invading troops for the various problems they have

Ruling their own country will never be easy, but it will be a necessary step in the right direction

It is all about learning to do the right thing and to bring in democracy to a more manageable level

They can no longer be dictated to by the Taliban; the people have to stand up for their rights to live in peace…

…not under the heavy hand of various tribes who wish to remain in the dark ages of civilisation

Britain spied on foreign Governments attending G20 meetings in London in 2009

GCHQ Britain’s electronic eavesdropping agency spied on foreign politicians and officials attending this summit

The operation was sanctioned by the Government at the time under Gordon Brown

It is embarrassing to say the least by its exposure coming out

It shows that Britain’s reputation has been tarnished

Britain cannot afford to take the high moral ground level that it keeps trying to do

This now will render it impossible for foreign diplomats to ever trust in these meetings again

If you do something wrong then you expose yourself time and again for those actions and will always be found out

You can no longer be believed

Nelson Mandela, who continues to fight his lung infections…

…is being held in a healing vacuum, which allows for the strength to be returned to him

At the same time giving him the mental purpose to begin a new life in the next dimension

His transition from this life to the next is fully assured and strengthened

He is an amazing man and even though his work is done on the earth…

…he will be able to continue to help his people from the next dimension with a new purpose and energy that he has not found in a long time

As one goes through the turmoil’s of life, you begin to see a pattern emerging that is both wholesome and intriguing

It suggests a plan that has been adopted to allow us to all learn lessons of which, if we did not have that life plan…

…we would be devoid of its meaning and instruction

All must follow their own path and relinquish authority to a Higher Power, whose intelligence is supreme above all else

Its existence powerful with control over a galaxy that is constant and also changing

Never fear your existence upon this earth, as much is shown to you and all is being guided to suit what you need to know at any given time

All come to realise this concept in time

Appreciate the teaching appointed, so that the greater good is always served as well as our own needs

We will never be found wanting, because the path is true and clear, even though at the time it appears hazardous from where we are standing

Your lives in the Higher Power are always handled with gentle loving care

When you think about helping another, do not think, “Will it help me?” or rather, “What will the outcome be for the one I am helping?”

By giving, so we always receive automatically, as Spiritual Law instructs that to occur

Look to see what you can do to help those in need. There may come a time when your needs are granted and that time will not be that far off

The simple act of giving allows for the forces of good to keep up the momentum…

…so that everybody continues to gain no matter what the circumstances

Their needs are always met

There is the miracle of a Nigerian man, who survived for two and a half days trapped under 98ft of freezing seawater

The 29 year old man was on board with his colleagues when, through heavy swells, the tug sank and turned upside down

He was in total darkness, but was an air pocket which allowed him to breathe

The tug had been trying to stabilise an oil tanker at a Chevron platform when it capsized

A global diving team came to investigate and found him still alive. All his colleagues had died

This miracle is that through impossible odds he remained in God’s hands and was later rescued

It was not his time to pass

Miracles, which happen on a daily basis throughout the world, are not always documented but nevertheless still happen

The medical profession are testament to this occurring where the impossible happens, which is totally unexplained and irrational

But it is always for the benefit of the individual, whose life will be changed forever

This Nigerian man will go forwards now to obtain bigger and better things, as he knows whatever happens he is saved and looked after always

A notion that few of us truly realise or appreciate

Thousands of children have been killed in Syria according to a UN report on children and armed conflict

The toll is said to be unbearable

The report shows both government and rebels using girls and boys as suicide bombers and human shields

This report covers 21 countries where children are victims of violence

Mali was recently added to the shame list

In Syria, where the heaviest toll in the world against children exists, as investigated by a UN special representative who says…

…children are killed, maimed, recruited, detained and tortured every day

The world looks on and does nothing

Until acts of war crimes are brought before the Law, this violence will continue to grow

We are all then responsible for a history of hate and violence

Violence reaps violence

We all are responsible for letting this occur throughout the world, as we continue to stand and do nothing to change these situations

At least the voice of the people has been heard, as Kenya’s MPs have agreed to reduce their annual salary

Protestors in the capital denounced MPs as MPigs

The MPs wanted a salary of $120,000 in defiance of wishes from the Salaries & Remuneration Commission and their President

It will now be $75,000

It was the voice of the people, who finally achieved the agenda and drove home the argument of those who have and those who have not

A growing division in Kenya

Some 10.5 million children are believed to be working as domestic labourers worldwide

The International Labour Organisations says that many work in conditions that are dangerous and sometimes verging on slavery

The report also suggests that the children are vulnerable to physical and sexual violence

Children around the world suffer in silence; they are the hidden industry that provides them with no rights or healthy conditions

They are the forgotten race

Until the International Authorities wake up to the plight of these poor innocent children nothing will ever change for them

They are caught up in areas where their safety and wellbeing is of no importance

The war in Syria is forcing children to carry weapons to fight where manpower is short and where these children have lost everything

There are no family members alive to help them

Children all over India are forced to rummage through rubbish to scratch a living from what little they can fine to sell for food and water

Children are the slaves of this world

They are often used in the sex industry and trapped by sexual predators, who earn enormous amounts by exploiting them

Governments chose to turn a blind eye simply because it will mean they will need to do something about it & this they are not prepared to do

The world is losing its conscience and so it will reap what it sows

Bitterness and regret, anger and oppression are all the hallmarks of anarchy

These children, who will become adults one day, become the breeding grounds for terrorists and we, as a race, only have ourselves to blame

Will we ever learn?

Children have a right to live in safety and be protected; they are after all our supposed future!

What has the world produced and should we care as to what we have created?

Palestinians have criticised Israel after official statistics showed a rise in new house building in West Bank settlements

A report by Israeli settlement watchdog, Peace Now, says they have reached a seven year high

There are nearly three times more homes being built in the first quarter of this year compared with 2012

As US Secretary of State John Kerry tries to revise Israel-Palestinian peace talks…

…he is deluding himself if he thinks he can get anywhere at all

Once again the Israeli Government has ratified a plan of settlement and colonisation and not a plan of peace

The Israeli settlements in the West Bank are illegal under International Law, but when has that stopped them

Israel, after all, is a law unto themselves and has no interest or acknowledgement in International Law unless it suits them

Israel makes the US Government the laughing stock of the world. Israel has become too powerful

The USA has to pay lip service to them while the legal occupiers of Palestinian land are left with nothing

The USA wonders why they are so hated around the world

Look what they have created for themselves, Israel will forever be a thorn in their side

This appalling act will just carry on until every Palestinian is ousted out

That is exactly what Israel wants, while the rest of the world do nothing but look on!

Where is the world’s shame in so many acts of injustice to so many?

The conquerors always feel they have right on their side just because they wield the heavier stick

As the situation with Nelson Mandela becomes more grave, it really is in the best interests of this marvellous man…

…that the prayers are used to help him make the transition from this life to the next

While the South African people understandably wish him to remain on this earth, his life is now in the balance

Nothing can change the situation that South Africa is now in

This wonderful man has done his part, has already sacrificed his life for his people and should now be left in peace

The fact that so many people wish to go and see him while he remains in intensive care really is an intrusion on his privacy and his dignity

We all should respect the wishes of a man who is so ill and allow him to go when he feels that the time is right for him

He should not have to be subjected to constant bombardment.  Respect really should mean respect

His legend will long remain in all our hearts and minds

The IMF has admitted to making mistakes in handling Greece’s first bail out

Greece’s first bail out, in February 2012, came amid fears the country would default on its debts

Therefore it would spark a debt contagion in the Eurozone

The IMF is now looking into how they handled the situation back then

It admitted they bent their rules for the programme to go ahead

Greece had to maintain its debt, but it was realised that they couldn’t

The IMF feared Greece’s debt would threaten the rest of the Eurozone, so they bent their own rules

Now we have the full ridiculous story

Greece falsified papers to get into the Eurozone, which they should never have been allowed to entry

They were not able to trade under those conditions

Then the IMF were also lying to save their own skins, so again the Euro could survive and Europe could be saved

This is not the way it is all supposed to go and by Spiritual Law what you sow so shall you reap

Greece has and its people have suffered extensively and the Euro has brought no end of trouble to Europe with regards to its trading

Europe is in this mess due to bad management at the top

When will these organisations start to do the right thing?

The more they try and camouflage matters, the more mess will ultimately always come out

They never realise that it is the people of these countries that suffer, not them!

Their arrogance and self-righteousness is beyond the pale

Yes, lecture everybody else on how to behave, but don’t abide by your own rules

Researchers have harnessed the power of thought to guide a remote-controlled helicopter through an obstacle course

The demonstration shows how electrical patterns of thought steer motion in the real world

Such thoughts have already been used to steer a motorised wheelchair

The research in the Journal of Neural Engineering uses a non-invasive cap to capture this brain electrical activity

Many people are already aware of the power of thought, which is enormous

It is the thoughts from the mind which is the power, not the brain itself, as the mind and the brain are separate

The brain is the engine room, while it is the mind which powers it up and therefore the most powerful element known to man

The power of prayer is one of the most powerfully controlled aspects of the mind

The extent of that power is colossal, as has been proven by the human race

Scientists are still trying to grapple with things that many in the human race are able to control anyway

The Tibetan Monks have great mind power and can, when trained, push a man down from a distance of 20 feet

They are able to elevate things, just using the mind

This for them is nothing new

It is all about how the individual is trained to enhance that power and use it successfully

Science will catch up one day

The land that we all live on is extremely precious and we must do all we can to safeguard it for our future and the future of our children

As the water level rises due to the ice melting in the North Antarctic, we are all seeing more and more flooding occurring each year

We need to keep up with the defences and allow for greater protection for our livestock

There is no time to lose, as more evidence of climate destruction becomes more frequent

See a massive disaster occurring in Pakistan where there will be a military coup which will oust out the present Government for vote rigging

A period of instability will allow for new elections to take place bringing in a better type of democracy than was first envisaged

Three peers and an MP were accused of agreeing to do lobbying work in Parliament for payment

They had been approached by undercover reporters to see whether they would take the bait

They all said they wanted money to lobby a point in the House of Lords

All claim they have not done anything wrong when clearly there has been misconduct

They have now been suspended and another has resigned

These politicians must begin to understand that the public, who pay their wages, will no longer tolerate this kind of greedy behaviour

They are not allowed extra money unless it goes through the official channels

The public have demanded a closer scrutiny of their politicians, yet there seems to be a rogue lot who continue to behave badly

As an example they should lose their positions and be replaced by those who are honest and honourable

The public demand those who will not abuse their positions for personal gains

Hundreds of indigenous Brazilians have re-occupied a ranch in the western state of Mato Grosso do Sul

The Terena indigenous group says the ranch, which belongs to a local politician, lies on their ancestral land

As with all indigenous groups, because they are small in numbers, they do not have the collective strength…

…to fight strongly enough to save their land and their culture

The North American Indians were almost wiped out by the white man with their canons and guns

They were no match against this bombardment with just their bows and arrows

It is all about respect for human kind and we, as a species, must start to consider that respect over another is vital

None of us has the right to obliterate another race just because we don’t like them or because they are getting in our way

The human race has a lot to answer for, the aggressive against the weak

Mankind thinks he has a right to dictate policy and to put their aggressive ideology onto another…

…without ever considering the consequences of their actions

It is no wonder the world is now on the brink of World War III

As life appears to get tougher for us every day, there is always magic in the air if we wish to look at it

The flowers & the new shoots of life spring up out of the blue where yesterday there was nothing & today new leaves & flowers are forming

They bring the hope of spring and a new fresh start

We all need this at times to boost our flagging energy systems, which have struggled through wintery conditions

The seasons are late this year due to the influx of a long winter

Nevertheless it still comes in when it means to and, for all of us, it is truly magical