Wednesday, 1 January 2014


As the world continues to fight corruption everywhere, it is the single most damaging aspect to the human state of mind

The disease is brought on by abject greed with no regard to human suffering

Until Governments start to become honourable, then nothing will change and life for the people just continues to get worse

Corruption in China is causing massive financial and economic problems for the entire country

It will cause the Chinese Government to collapse if they do not address corruption with a vengeance

India is rife with it and so is Pakistan

Africa is also endemic with it and the long suffering people have nowhere to go

They, like others, are trapped in this policy of continued suffering

Tunisia had its Arab spring, as it was corruption that was the cause of the vegetable seller to take his own life

There was no way out of the corruption mechanism; his pleas were ignored by all the police and the local Government at the time

All were heavily involved in corruption; he stood no chance of survival

Italy has its Mafia, which causes a stranglehold on businesses, who try to conduct their business in the right and honourable way

Italy has had to pay a huge price commercially for not stamping this out decades ago

Fear and intimidation is the collective objective to get what the Mafia want

Mexico is another country, which is stagnating by Mafia interference

All the people suffer and the Government’s role in all this becomes a laughing stock

Spain’s Government were found to have accepted backhanders and have been prosecuted by the judiciary

The people around the world deserve better and until Governments become honourable, then it is the people whose lives are worth nothing

It continues right around the world in all walks of life; it is the disease that will not go away

It has to be the people, who must stand together and unite against this common enemy if they wish to survive at all

Many countries are sucked into a downward spiral of hopelessness and despair

The economic failures that it brings to countries on every level just goes to show how bad Mankind has become

How long must one go before one can find any decent human beings around to take control? 

There are not many. It is the system around them that makes it almost impossible to allow for recovery

We must be hopeful that decent human beings will unite and bring about the downfall of corruption

It is already taking place, but it is an uphill battle and we must all be constantly vigilant to succeed

As Western Australia is braced for a powerful tropical cyclone with winds reaching up to 200km/hour, much flooding is being expected

Cyclone Christine is set to make landfall on Monday evening, red alerts having already been issued

There will be a very dangerous storm tide this evening

With severe weather patterns affecting all parts of the world…

…it is high time that Governments adhered to the warnings by scientists on Global Warming

It is naïve to keep putting one’s head in the sand hoping it will all go away

This is not the case, as more devastation around the world is now more frequent than at any other time

People’s lives are at stake with whole states being affected and they are later treated as disaster zones

They are costing millions of dollars to the local economy

We can no longer just do nothing

It is high time Governments realised their responsibilities to the world and to their own people

A great monumental mind change is now happening, where many are fed up of the old ways of being and learning

They are fed up with Church teachings and their false promises not kept

Mankind is forging ahead with renewed enthusiasm to bring true enlightenment into his own mind without the necessary teachings of the Church

The populace is now in a position to find its own way and to bring about self-transformation

This is by the guidance of the Higher Intelligence, whose teachings are now being sought

Many are finding God in their own way and through their own impetus

Their feelings are being increased to meet the demands of self-instruction when it is most needed

The long road ahead is both reassuring and practical in its approach

It is daily being implemented, bringing in the necessary tools that Mankind must have to survive

It is there for all time

It will increase Man’s belief that he was born outside this planet by a Higher Intelligence before descending to do his duty

The true revelation is now, as the Universal energies are increased specifically for this design

Man will begin to recognise in himself a part of the Divine

He will know instinctively that his mission on this earth is both just and honourable

The teachings by clerics and, so called Church employees, will cease to become important

Man will start to find his own way without the trappings and confines of religious practices

It only makes him a servant to the cause and not to God

God is an instrument of love, forgiveness and compassion

The commandments are already written in our souls, they do not need any further teachings

Those who wish to follow dogma have not pure and untarnished thoughts of their own

They are like puppets steeped in dogma that does nothing to enlighten the soul to do good things

Man can pray many times and still go out and maim somebody

These are not God’s teachings and never have been written

The hand of Man must never strike another in hatred or anger

That is not God’s way, but only Man’s!

It is time for Man to think outside of the box of dogma

He must start to follow what is in his heart and there alone is where he will find God

As we all work towards utopia, it is sometimes difficult to imagine a perfect more balanced place

There law and order are constant and nobody wishes to demolish it

It might seem impossible by today’s standards, but it could be accomplished if everybody tried to do their bit

Many want more than they are entitled to and this is where the disharmony starts and destruction of society occurs

There should be a balance throughout and where the demands on society are helped by everybody

It is not just the Government, which is seen as the panacea for all

As a society we must start with neighbourliness and where we all do our part to help and support each other

This way, Governments are relieved of the ever increasing strains put on them and which are impossible to maintain

We, as a society, unfortunately no longer do support each other and this is where so many of the problems arise

With families being dispersed, there is no one around to look after the sick, elderly and the very young

It is our job, as being a part of the human society, to understand that if we wish to be in a harmonious state, then all must do their bit

We must not leave it to the constant few who always do

There are too many takers in this world and not enough givers and this is where the shortfall lies

The takers never know when enough is enough and they are constantly dissatisfied

The givers are always the ones who put themselves out and the strain on them is often colossal without any respite

Society, if it is to achieve, must all work together and where there is a constant supply of giving and not just of the taking

Then and only then will society begin to have harmony, where all are working for the common good

Then it can build up & an enormous strength to the entire society can begin & where satisfaction of doing one’s bit is felt and seen by all

This is not a case of wishing this to happen

It has got to happen to change the mind-sets of all and then a better more equal society is made

This allows for a robust social system, where care and love is felt by all

No one is left to fend for themselves, as the structure of security of love is always there

We owe it to ourselves to try to move towards this way of living and to see that all benefit and not just a few

Where there is equality there will be harmony, where there is inequality then strife and anger is common place

Look at the animal kingdom, where to survive all must play their part

All are supportive of each other and that is how they remain strong

They innately understand that the weak must be looked after by the strong and so it is commonplace that all automatically do their bit

We can all learn from them, yet many do not wish to and turn a blind eye

We all will need to be saved at some time in our lives.  It is better that we learn now if we are to survive at all

Now, as everything turns full circle for you and the world, there will be massive decisions made on behalf of the people of this world

No longer can the populace prevaricate and remain entrenched in their own little worlds

That is the turning point for so many

This unsteady situation of Universal energies is to make people look at their lives and start to think spiritually for the first time

All must now look to see where they have gone wrong and where it is now time to change the course of action

Where through the Higher Intelligence, they will be shown their rightful path and know they have missed out over so many years

We all wish to remain in our comfort zone

This is no longer possible, as it is the future that we must secure for Mankind to see an alternative way

The way of the Higher Intelligence has guided us since birth and wishes to steer us on this exacting course

It is not only for our benefit, but also for our knowledge, whereby we can react to circumstances in a more positive and productive way

We are all on this earth to serve and serve we will

It has already been asked of us before we were born and we were all mindful of those responsibilities long ago

Now action to implement these strategies will come in, where we all play our part into bringing Mankind into a better place

Where love can enter in and fear is no longer a slave to that individual

We come to guide you onto the next journey of your lives, where enlightenment and trust is both natural and reassuring

You won’t be failed in any way

Understanding that the Higher Intelligence exists, is for your comfort and peace

That will stand the test of time for all time

A coming together of minds as we all start to link in with each other for the greater good

Our powerful thoughts produce powerful changes all around the world and, where there are stalemate situations, a new path is found

We are all in the collective unconsciousness and that is a very powerful position to be in

If we are all doom and gloom, then the world will tilt into a depression

If we are able to produce a positive mind-set, then the lift, both Spiritually to us and the Universe, becomes colossal in its own right

We are all equally responsible for the negative or positive vibrations that hit this world

Therefore it shows that we all play an integral part in the changing of our mind-sets from the negative to the positive at all times

If we are to survive as human beings, we must look to how we are able to change our minds and produce the necessary positive thoughts

This brings about necessary vital changes, whereby we all can benefit and prosper in our own right

The heavy negative vibrations sap this earth and all of us on it

We become bogged down unable to function and a depression of fear and anger surrounds the earth

We all then suffer under that depression and the world’s weather patterns are equally affected producing strong negative energies

These we all know are destructive to our lands and to all who live in them

Negative vibrations have a knock-on effect in all walks of life

By thinking positive, new paths of enlightenment and healing are produced and all becomes stable and harmonious again

All becomes calm and we are able to live our lives in a state of calmness and serenity

It is people not nature that causes these destructive energies

It is up to us to realise our thoughts are indeed powerful and from that we can either benefit or be destroyed

Where there are negative vibrations, it will kill off vegetation and livestock – all that we need to sustain our lives are jeopardised

Pond or lake water becomes stagnant and sick

When the water is blessed by positive energies, the same water is healed and becomes alive again and clear for all that live in it

Until we can start to wake up to these facts, we constantly put ourselves in jeopardy and destruction

The entire world over must start to think positive thoughts and from that fear and disharmony are removed

A better more lighter loving world we will be in

All then can benefit and peace is then fully restored

We owe it to ourselves to practice this vital commodity to bring back balance to an uneasy world

As we loudly cheer this season’s greetings to the world, we will notice how many more people are helped at this time of the year

It is both a time for receiving, but equally of giving and where the happiness lies in the giving of those who have so little

The feeling that we are so enriched by the Spirit should be enough, yet there are still those who do not think they have enough

For them, this time of the year will be a disappointment, while for others it is a time of feeling loved and secure as only love can offer

All the celestial beings of light rejoice with us from their heavenly spheres to wish us all well on this earth

All those deceased souls who look in on us from above and share with us this time of rejoicing, know that new life is born again

Christmas is not only a celebration time to remember that Jesus Christ was born according to the Christian calendar

It is also to see nature reborn and where new life and a future for all is established

That is where the true celebration of life is remembered and where we can all rejoice in this revelation no matter what religion we are

Our ancestors will be watching over us and will enjoy sharing this special time

We must not forget them, for they are still special in our hearts and minds

Understand that peace will come to all when the time is right

When one has nothing anymore to lose, that is when true liberation and peace begins and is equally shared by all

For many this will be a time for reflection on positive measures that have already been undertaken

To sow the seeds of welcome and love will show positive fruit and enlightenment to the world

The social harvest of compassion will reflect that Mankind has not lost his spirit of generosity

In many cases a significant difference will be made

Those who are lost and afraid will see a new path opening up where the Spirit is the clear driving force to help them along their way

No longer will they feel stuck and deprived, as the new Universal energies provide new life and strength

This is also a time for forgiveness, where past hurts have run deep and destroyed the very core of so many

They will now see that that pain is no longer relevant and where Mankind has risen to another level of understanding

There, healing for all, can take place provided the right intentions are there

Then we can all go forwards together in peace and understanding of a better life to come

As the world comes together to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, we are all reminded of his plight to be born safe and secure

For at that time, as now, there was much treachery about and the need to keep him safe for humanity’s sake was an important necessity

With the help of God’s guiding light & His ministry to protect, Jesus was allowed safe passage to Egypt until it was time for him to return

We are reminded of the many refugees, who also seek shelter in these troubled times

The simplest of help and hand of friendship will stay with us for all time 

This is a time for much reflection and commitment to the Spiritual Forces, who help us all with our daily needs

From nowhere angels appear to assist where no help seemed possible

The guiding light of love is never far away and, even in our darkest hour, we are looked after and protected

Our status in life is not what we have, but what we are able to give in times where hardship is all around us

It is to them that we are thankful

To know that our lives are shaped by our love and compassion and not from hatred and misdeeds

Those who believe in that great prophet Jesus Christ will know…

…that even though he is not in his physical body, he is still helping us in his spirit form

Many people, who are sensitive, will have seen Jesus Christ helping in so many ways throughout the world

He is not dead, but very much alive and doing his utmost to teach and enlighten us if we are ready to hear

He is not to be found in Churches, but in the lands of this world where there are people whose prime objective is to help their fellow man

There he is found in the goodness of compassion and motivation to assist all those whose lives feel threatened and insecure

As help was given to him to survive in order to administer his mission, so others will know he is with them to do the very same

The time for turning matters around is now

All people the world over must start to reflect in their own unique roles as being a part of society

They must not to be driven by an ideology that brings disruption and despair to the masses

This world is for all of us to live and work in

It is not for the individual souls, who think they have the right to bring pain, misery and death to others…

…just because they feel it is their right to do so

Justice and injustice is all around us and it is time for leadership to be brought in

They need to have the skills and the wisdom to bring in a safekeeping passage for the rest of humanity to live by

There are not enough skilled people to take the initiative and bring a return of balance and hope to an impoverished world

For those who do have those skills, their leadership is much needed now

The world’s suffering people need to believe that Mankind is directed by God, who can make a difference in their lives

God means peace, love and commitment to the flock that is under His care

It is time now that His ministries, who have unconditional love in their hearts, step forwards and do His bidding

The time has come for true adjustment and where the rule of law brings back justice over the impoverished

The people need again to believe in a salvation, not as a promise but as a reality that can and must be accomplished

These wise souls clearly know who they are and will be able to recover Mankind from the brink of despair

Their calling is now and it must be heard loud and clearly, so that there is no mistake as to their destiny within this world

Mankind needs new leaders, who have not political axes to grind, but have love in their hearts to truly make a difference

They already know they are most wanted and needed

Their roles are significant in the scheme of things, where world leaders will have to sit up and take notice

Logical advice and guidance, not before witnessed or heard before, will be the starting points

It is from here that they must start their reversal of Man’s stagnant mind

All can be achieved in the light of ‘God’s’ guiding hand, where politics are not needed but where common sense is greatly required

A breakthrough will occur in Mankind’s thinking and where they are able to see the path ahead

This pathway is filled with positive and righteous action and living

There are no punishments as Man has experienced so far

It is about taking the right guidance, where all can appreciate and see the positive results at first hand

Nobody believes anymore in a Higher Intelligence ruling and guiding with love

Where mistakes are made, there are always chances to turn matters around, which truly benefit all who witness them

This is not a five minute wonder, but a new way of living and functioning

All can gain by its delivery and where hardship is no more

Spiritual Laws, that have been in operation since before this planet had been created, are what will be delivered

All of nature is programmed by Spiritual Laws and so it can replenish itself without hardship or interference…

…where the natural order of things is in place and respected by all

Balance and abundance is delivered and new life is born out of hardship

Love is the central theme by which we all must live and prosper

Neighbour must help neighbour and mutual respect must be given to all, no matter what colour, creed or religion one is

All are welcomed in this world and all must recognise we are one species and one heart if we are to thrive

To go against the Spiritual Law is to destroy the very essence of Man itself

This is clearly already happening in various parts of the world

It is high time that Man started to remove the ego and the greed

He must start to deliver a new way of thinking, which is for Mankind’s benefit and not for Mankind’s detriment

That day has duly come and it is now for the elite and the wise to show themselves

For them to step up to the plate and to deliver to Mankind what is necessary for its survival and not for its destruction

Repair on a massive scale is needed and it is up to the few, who have been chosen, to demonstrate their calling

They can deliver salvation to this world!

The Spanish Government has backed a proposal for a tougher abortion law

The bill says early termination is no longer a right and would only be allowed in cases of rape or when a mother’s health is at risk

The current law gives women the right to abortion up to the 14th week of pregnancy rising to the 22nd week in the case of foetal deformities

Pro-choice groups have pledged to protest against this change, which will be debated in Parliament

Spain’s centre right state “We cannot allow the life of the unborn baby to depend exclusively on the decision of the mother”

Spain’s governing party, who have a strong majority, are practicing Catholics. The majorly of them are men!

What is extremely short-sighted of the governing body is that change will lead women to go underground to have a termination

It is the woman, who must decide for whatever reasons, emotional, practical or for psychological, that she does not want the child

Therefore to be forced to have it by a male Government, which does not understand the needs of the mother, is extremely short-sighted indeed

On the whole women do not undertake to have an abortion lightly

They would have deliberated over it for weeks in their troubled minds

When that conclusion has been arrived at, then the emotional undertaking is enormous indeed

They fully understand the difficulty and implications they are placing themselves and the unborn child in

To be forced to have a child when it is clearly not wanted, poses enormous psychological disturbances in the mother

It also transfers them from the mother to the baby in the womb

The unborn child feels the resentment of the mother to it in the womb and they feel insecure and unloved

On the other hand the mother, having then delivered the child, will continue to feel resentment to that child

The child which she never wanted in the first place

Both are damaged by the forced situation being imposed by the Government

They have no idea as to the biological and psychological makeup of the mother and the unborn child

It is only when the mother and/or the child independently go to have therapy that the entire unhappy situation reveals itself

The pain and the damage to the child will last for years, well into adulthood

So when, on religious grounds, acts are enforced, the long term damage is never recorded and so women and children continue to suffer

When a woman really wants to terminate the life of her child, she will do everything in her power to do it, whether it is legal or not

It is after all the need to preserve motherhood as a beautiful choice and not as a religious right

Many children go through life suffering daily, knowing they were not wanted or loved by their mothers

These dysfunctional children become dysfunctional adults and severe problems occur when this happens

Something the Spanish Government never wishes to consider, unless it actually happened to them

Then they will be in a position to speak from experience

The time has come for so many people who are in despair, to feel the full power of ‘The Almighty’

Unexpected events, where people who are in a hopeless situation, will see the light of ‘The Almighty’ shine down on them

Their bonds and shackles will be released for all time

Where there has been a hopeless situation, where no mercy was found, there will come a breaking of those bonds & a release from all hardship

The atmosphere of love will be seen by all and, even those among us who do not usually give, will for the first time give generously

Mankind has finally woken up to the many possibilities that are now there before him

With the Higher Intelligence in full action, so many advantages to the homeless and the poor are now being administered

A special lifeline is in place and Mankind will be able to visibly benefit from the Higher Instruction

Mankind will begin to make a difference, where before there was none

Families, who are overburdened with life in general, will see an easing back of this burden

It is as if there was a miracle lifeline, which was not there before

All comes in at the right time and the Hand of God is seen by all who care to see and voice its existence

Much happiness & celebrations will be felt around the world & even in war-torn countries that special lifeline will be able to get through

The reawakening of Man’s conscience is valued by the Higher Intelligence, who matches it will unconditional love

A change in the mind-set, which will see many people recover from extraordinary levels of hardship

The sick will see miraculous recoveries of which the medical profession will have no answers

A new lease of life, where before there was none, is now there

People around the world will involve themselves in actions not thought possible before

A new impetus to give and to forgive will be recognised

Love, which is always given, will start to melt the many whose internal hardships are not always seen or felt

The reckless mind, that has suffered, will start to feel a strange kind of peace develop and from that new ideas for change will occur

Hatred, which is constant around the world, will find a level that can be dealt with

The pain and suffering to the individual will be less and more manageable making life for those around that person feel relieved

Peace is a strange existence when it has not been felt by many perhaps their entire life

For them to understand the difference, its impact must be substantial and for all time

This breakthrough is at last happening and for peace to enter in, then love must already be there to accommodate this revelation

Mankind must now find this level of security and to bring in a change of mind-set

He must recognise a Higher Intelligence working on his behalf and is never questioning, but always constant in its giving and protection

This situation will be believed, because it is tangible and recognised by all

Eurozone Finance Ministers have agreed a long awaited pact on how to deal with failing banks in the region

It aims to create a €55bn fund and it will be financed by the banking industry over the next 10 years

This fund will be backed by a new agency, which will decide on how to deal with failing banks

This way failing banks will no longer need tax payers’ money for bank bailouts

The European Central Bank (ECB) will be given the power to monitor the health & the risks taken by all the major banks within the Eurozone

The ECB will also have direct oversight of Eurozone banks and be in close co-operation with national supervisory authorities

It can also intervene if any banks get into trouble

It has taken a very long time to get to this situation, as banks cannot be trusted to regulate themselves

Therefore it is necessary for an outside agency to watch over their day to day activities

The general public can no longer afford to be put in jeopardy, because of the greed of these institutions

They hold their countries to ransom

This agency will be far-reaching and most effective, putting a permanent squeeze on banks throughout the Eurozone

Prince Charles, the Prince of Wales, is deeply concerned over evidence that Christians are being murdered

Also families are forced from their homes in Syria and Egypt

Together with Jordan’s Prince Ghazi they have visited the Egyptian Coptic Church in Stevenage & the Syriac Orthodox Cathedral in West London

They have met with church members who had suffered intimidation in these countries

Prince Charles has tried in over 20 years to build bridges between Islam and Christianity, to dispel ignorance and misunderstanding

He states that a point has been reached where bridges are being rapidly and deliberately destroyed

This is by those who have a vested interest in doing so

In Syria, Christians who refuse to take any side are being killed or ousted out. A third of Christians have already left the country

It is the Islamist militants, who bring shame to their religion and their beliefs. They are out of step with what is right and wrong

Even their mullahs cannot persuade them that what they do is fundamentally wrong

Countries around the world, including Jordan and Egypt, are where these militant groups are riding roughshod over people

They believe that they feel are out of step with them

Tolerance of other races and religions are not allowed and hold no part in their world

It is only their own agenda that must be preserved for all time

Countries have had to take drastic measures to safeguard their own people from this devastating influence

They will not allow this fanaticism to take hold in their countries and therefore will protect their people

Prince Charles can now see the almost impossible tasks that lay ahead for these religions to survive in this Arab uprising

A way will be found, but it will mean that the people of the world must unite

Tolerance for all who live on this earth is necessary if man is to survive at all

Scientific research has now proved that an apple a day would avoid heart attacks and strokes for those aged 50 years and over

Apples give a boost to the cardiovascular system and have similar effects as the medicine, statin, yet carry no side effects

The Victorian mantra in those days was “an apple a day keeps the doctor away” is particularly pertinent to the over 50s these days

Apples lower cholesterol and a small change in the daily diet can make a substantial difference in preventing heart disease and strokes

Pressure is mounting on a retired Indian Supreme Court Judge accused of sexual misconduct to quit his position

He is currently head of a Human Rights panel

A newspaper published a deposition made to the court by the law intern, who says she was sexually assaulted by the judge

A Supreme Court panel investigating the case decided to take no action against the judge as he had retired

The Indian Express newspaper made public the law intern’s deposition before the court appointed panel

This panel now concludes there is prima facie evidence of unwelcomed behaviour against the intern

A senior leader of a main opposition party has said the judge should quit the Human Rights panel, he should resign

Public institutions must adhere to the highest standards of personal conduct and integrity

They must uphold the credibility and effectiveness of these institutions

The sexual charges made by the intern on the judge has shocked India

Until India starts to come to terms with its own sordid culture, that women can be exploited by anyone and…

…precious little is done in their defence, then India will remain in the dregs of society

Society is built on mutual trust and respect for human kind and this is not happening in India

This is why there are shock reports now coming to the surface, which have been suppressed by police and judiciary for centuries

Their laws are already inadequate in dealing with these misdemeanours, which means no females are ever safe travelling in this country

They fear being attacked and killed, as was the case just a year ago of the young student who was ganged raped by five men

Her death is still fresh in the minds of the Indian people and their shock and horror has not gone away

What gives the Supreme Court the right to take no action just because the judge has retired?

It is ludicrous to suggest such a thing, making the young intern feel dirty and violated by someone in authority, who should know better

As we all know, there are sick minds in all aspects of life and the judiciary are no better than any others it appears

Just because time has lapsed does not negate the crime

Because he was a judge holding down a responsible position of trust and integrity, he has broken that trusted position

Therefore he should receive the ultimate sentence

Until lessons are learnt, nothing will change

Women will remain objects of abuse from a society who cares little for mothers, sisters and children

Andy Murray has been voted the 2013 BBC Sports Personality of the Year

He became the first Briton in 77 years to win the Wimbledon Men’s Singles title with a victory over Novak Djokovic

His brilliant and unorthodox play have brought him the respect of all his fellow players throughout the world

His dedication and single-mindedness have brought him victories and personal achievements

They were against all the odds of the physical difficulties he had overcome to win

Behind the scenes he works diligently for his home town, Dunblane in Scotland

There, in 1996, there was a shooting massacre where 16 children and a teacher were killed

Andy Murray’s class was the next class to go into that fateful gymnasium, but was stopped when gunshots were heard

He narrowly escaped that massacre

His dedication & steadfastness never to give up & to believe in himself has been an inspiration to so many & long may his career continue

As Chile celebrates the election of Michelle Bachelet as President, there is a lot of hard work to do

Although she is a popular woman, there is disenchantment in the political class, which is growing amongst many Chileans

Politicians have to realise they are there to serve

Where there are mounting problems within the country, there needs to be full and decisive action

This action must be spelled out, so that the people are fully aware of what is required for their country to survive and prosper

At the same time it is also up to those who are in a position to do something…

…that they must take their share of the responsibility to help their fellow people

Michelle Bachelet will have a mandate, which will become operational very soon

This is where she will make an immediate impact on the people to regenerate themselves in a far better way than was done before

She will not hold back and her determination to make it work will then be backed by the people

In the light of Nelson Mandela’s state funeral in South Africa today at his ancestral home, a massive light has gone out of this country

His stoic leadership will no longer be there nor will his guiding hand and advice

The country itself will find their road a long and hard one

There is no one who has the authority, the appeal and above all else the honesty to lead these people on

President Zuma is full of his own ego and greed, but the people are not blinded to his corruption and nepotism

He is not on safe ground. While Nelson Mandela was alive his position was safe, now that is no longer the case

He will feel vulnerable and frightened and he should be, as there is a power vacuum waiting to be filled

He is no longer the man to fill it

Start to see the vocal aspect of the people beginning to mount and to bring down a Government that thought it was safe for all time

Politics in South Africa are strained and that is because of the extensive corruption that has plagued this country for years

It is high time with the passing of Mandela that new policies were introduced and the cry of the people finally heard

They must continue their fight for better living standards and equality, which is what Mandela stood for

His legacy of equality for all must start to gather a new strength and determination

The people can no longer be taken in by the dishonesty of President Zuma

He has systematically failed his own people by his own malfeasance

Watch for the emergence of a younger man, who was brought up in the slums of South Africa

He will become the new leader after a power struggle, which will occur

The innate stupidity of a frightened man, as in President Yanukovych of the Ukraine

Of course Russia will put pressure on him, this is already happening

They need to have the Ukraine on their side. Too many countries are trying to rid themselves of the stranglehold of Moscow

It will be the people themselves who must determine their own future

Moscow will use the same tactics as they did in Russian elections, which is to buy voters

Voters are put under fear if they do not do as they are told

This is already happening by the present Government and the president knows it. He cannot hope to win

He will be despised by Russia if he goes their way and equally despised by his own people as a traitor and a turncoat

Russia will not be able to trust President Yanukovych as he is weak and he becomes hazardous to their controls

Democracy has to be fought for, it never comes easy

Ukraine must stand its ground and allow for the law to be brought in to bring in greater stability

It is only a matter of time before President Yanukovych is usurped either by his own people or Russia who cannot control him as they wish to

He is too unstable for their liking and they would need a more malleable candidate to be brought in to serve their cause

If the Ukraine wish to have greater autonomy they must fight for their survival and to be free of the strangulation of Russia

South Africa and the world begin to prepare themselves for Nelson Mandela’s state funeral tomorrow

It has to be asked, “Who else is there in the world that can fill this man’s shoes?”

Certainly there is no one in South Africa, but who is there in the world?

It means somebody who is prepared to give and sacrifice their self to the people of this world, which is the greater calling

Aung San Suu Kyi is about the only other one who is alive today that could fit that bill

She is a lady of outstanding courage and conviction and knows fully the road to salvation is filled with many potholes and hardship

She is under no misapprehension that her role is vital to bring stability to her people

Winston Churchill was another of his time, whose foresight into World War II gave him the edge

His personal sacrifice was to do what was right over and above his own interests

He saved this country and Europe and it was his steadfastness to keep going when all around him were falling apart

He knew he was destined to save this great nation and nobody else had the skills or the guts to do it

That is why he will be forever remembered as a truly great statesman

These special people are rare and come once in a life time

The tragedy for the world is that more of these people are needed to bring back stability to a world running out of control

The temptation of world Governments to try to do the honest thing against insurmountable odds is playing on their minds

They are seeing to their own issues first and their own livelihoods are therefore safeguarded

This is way and above anything that is right for their people

These issues weigh heavily on their minds, especially when more and more scrutiny is being observed

What they could get away with, is no longer possible, as the rule of law now forbids it

Governments are now having to look to other ways to fill their own coffers and so give them a head start when they finally leave office

Doing the right thing for the people is never easy for them, as they have to be seen to be doing the right thing

So often there are other personal agendas, which take them off course and so the initial idea is lost completely

As the law in many industries and Governments is regularly tightened…

…it is now up to politicians to begin the long haul back to being a part of the people

This should come naturally, but Man’s greed tends to override this basic right of human response

Again it will be the voice of the people, whose suffering tends to surface and will force Governments to come back into line

The Governments are not there as their right, but at the will of the people who elected them

What was for many a certainty of election, is now no more

There are too many differing factions, which disrupt the smooth running of elections

The people can no longer be so easily bought off and more human rights are being exerted

The people can finally obtain their rights as never before

Swift changes of international policies are being implemented, whereby the people will demand that they are heard

Military force to stop them, does not sway people against what they feel is the truth for all of them

A new wave of believing and thinking is manifesting and people have nothing to lose anymore as all has been lost to them already

They will be seen as the new leaders of countries

It is their experiences, which will set in motion a timeless agenda of reform and attrition

As the world now struggles to adapt from terrorists around this globe, there is much upset and fear on many levels

Collective help by Governments throughout the world to bring these disruptive forces to heel will not be easy, but it is necessary

To show weakness is where terrorists gain

So a united front globally to restrain these people of violence is vital to secure life and sanctuary as we know it

Many people and nations have already suffered immeasurable problems, where their daily lives have to endure in surmounting dangers

We, as a people, owe it to ourselves to save these souls and return strong Governments, where the people will rule and not the terrorists

We must act collectively, because it is only collectively that we can stand, as they seek to divide us and weaken our resolve

Two World Wars must have taught us something, that oppression by a few should not be allowed to dominate and supress the majority

Love, not terror, is what will bring back balance to this world

Terrorists do not seek this ideology, but rule by fear and subversion of the masses, which is their stock in trade

The intelligent minds on the earth must unite in this cause and bring stability back to an unstable, but also intolerant world

It must be done if we are all to survive. There are people, who have the knowhow and the intelligence to deal with these matters

We call on you to deliver and to use your guided ways to restore balance, where it is so needed

The Thai Prime Minister said she will dissolve parliament and allow for a General Election to take place

The Thai people are objecting to her brother being the power behind the throne

They wish for this political family to leave the country completely

There will be a period of unrest here, as there are many disenfranchised parties who will need to gather a system of power

This will be fairer for all the people

This will come at a high cost and much upheaval before a system can be realised and fully implemented

Aspects to the Constitution need to be changed in order for a fairer distribution of power amongst the people can be realised

For people in this world to make a difference, the first ingredient is to get rid of the self & to embrace those stricken in global poverty

Too many of us think what is in it for me? What do I get out of it for being good, for being magnanimous? The plain answer is nothing

If we always have to do something to see what we can get out of it, then the point is lost

Nothing will ever be gained from those acts that we do

The world is in need of people to get jobs done & to help the world situation without asking for big fat cheques to come their way

Because they are famous or well-known, they feel they can court an enormous fee just for being there

To have a phone call with Tony Blair with regards to discussing human relief in, say Syria, is to be charged thousands of pounds

This man does nothing unless there is an enormous fee behind it, before he will even consider talking, never mind helping

As a special Middle East envoy he already gets his salary. Why should he expect anything more? Well he does!

This is what is wrong with the world today.

He is one of many who cash in on the gravy trains and think nothing of it, as if it is their right to have

They are never content with what they already have, in their millions, for greed is the overriding factor

That is why they do it

They do not have that holy spirit of doing what is right first, before they get any hand-outs

Where is the goodwill? Where is the personal sacrifice for those humans who are suffering?

Mother Theresa was one of a select few who gave of themselves for the suffering of this world

Her compassion and instinct to help was embedded in her from a very young age

She had that calling to serve God and humanity in the way that was shown to her

This remarkable lady was guided and never relinquished her responsibility to help her fellow man

Those who were sick and dying, she tended to them lovingly, as only the Higher Forces of love know how

It was never her hand that was held out. She believed in the power of prayer to trust in God

For with the right intentions, all is supplied for the Greater Good and so many gave willingly to her cause

She never gained personally, that was not her agenda

Her mission was to help the sick, dying and the poor where she could and she is a true example to us all

All those famous statesmen can never hold a candle to her, because their motives are always of the self

All that they have obtained materially on the earth will be no more when they pass

Even those so called good ventures that they have obtained by doing it for profit, they will see no benefit to themselves when they pass

Their intentions were not honourable

Payment comes in after the event, if the project gives it and only after the humanitarian outlay comes first

If there is nothing left, then one gets nothing

The chance to do something for humanity is reward enough and nothing more should be expected

This is something modern day statesmen do not understand and that is why they are nobody

As with Nelson Mandela, his life like Mother Theresa’s, was one of self-sacrifice for the Greater Good

That is why they alone will be remembered throughout history as being exceptional – an inspiration and an example to us all!

Victims of crime will benefit from a “landmark” case that saw a man jailed for a series of sexual assaults and rape

The Crown Prosecutions Service said a man from Derby had been cleared of offences last year

He was tried again after being arrested for new attacks

A 2005 change to ‘double jeopardy’ laws enables a retrial after an acquittal, if new and compelling evidence emerges

This is the first time fresh charges secured a new trial

The judge found the man guilty of eighteen offences including five rapes. He has now been given a life sentence

Previously a court had cleared him of repeatedly raping and assaulting a woman in Derby. This was a grave error on the court’s part

It allowed the freed man to go out to the general public, where he then attacked six other women in one night and raped two of them

What does it take for courts to start taking women’s safety into consideration?

The man is mentally deranged and should never have been acquitted

The Laws must be changed to allow a verdict of no confidence in the court system, together with harsher penalties for mistakes

Especially where the general public are at risk of attack, otherwise nothing will ever be done to break this cycle of abuse

The courts are there to protect the public, not to see further atrocities done because of their negligence

How much harm to human life must be administered before they get the message?

It’s no excuse to say our jails are full. The public want assurances that these people cannot be allowed to roam free & make further attacks

What are our taxes being paid for? Is it to allow deranged people to be set free?

Where are the rights for the women, whose lives have been destroyed by the incompetence of a court and a deranged man?

Both are contemptible!

The death of Nelson Mandela will reverberate around the world

Not for centuries has a man had so much dignity and self-repose

He is a giant amongst giants and he will be truly missed

The exceptional magnitude of this man and his spirit will make and create opportunities, where before there were none

This will be reflected in the minds of every statesman today

His legacies will be far reaching

He has already put in place many institutions, which will be able to carry on his work and become his own ongoing wish

This man, a legend in his own life time, was commissioned by the Divine

All who spoke to him, or were in his company, could not fail to see his bright auric field

His spiritual energy, which even when his body was frail, never left him

The spirit energy, which glowed white and vibrated with love, was witnessed and felt by all

Such was the magnitude of his presence that all who were in his sphere were touched by the enormity of this Divine energy

He was a truly holy man and one of God’s representatives on this earth

There will not be anybody like him for a long time to come

He was completely selfless and humble in all his acts of generosity to his people – a rare sight indeed

The love of his people and people the world over, were touched in their hearts by his will to do what was right

Even to sacrifice his life in what he knew to be right, he never flinched from his responsibilities

The world will be a lesser place now that he has gone, for out of the statesmen of today, none can ever hold a candle to this great man

The light has gone out in earthly terms, but not in the hearts and minds of us all

That will continue to burn brightly, as we all try to aspire to his examples

Let us all celebrate his life

We know we are truly blessed to have had such a great man in times when the world is in chaos and he always showed us the way

In the light of much criticism, Pope Francis is now to set up a Vatican committee to fight sexual abuse of children in the Catholic Church

It will offer help to the victims

The announcement by the Archbishop of Boston followed a meeting with the Pope and his eight cardinal advisors

It comes days after the Vatican refused a UN request for information on abuse by priests, nuns or monks

The archdiocese of Boston was the centre of a child abuse scandal involving Catholic priests in the US in 2002

Pope Benedict XVI referred to the filth in the Catholic Church, but failed to do enough to address the problems

Pope Francis has expressed his compassion to the many victims of sexual abuse by priests around the world

It is not compassion that is required. It is horror over horror that should be expressed

Compassion comes later when amends to the victims has taken place

These abused children around the world are in constant mental torture, the stain forever on them

They feel unclean, violated, and tarnished for all time. They are unable to live with themselves

As they reach adulthood they often become reclusive, as if they feel that their abuse can be seen by the general public

As if it is stamped on their foreheads and everybody can see what has been done to them

They feel like lepers in their own community

All suffer depression and many take their own lives, no longer able to live with the agony that has been done to them

The perpetrators, these men of God, go to confession and get forgiven their sins, only to abuse again and again

No amount of ‘Hail Marys’ will be enough penance for them. They have by their very code committed mortal sins

Their hell will be a dark black cave of cold existence in the Spirit World, because they have destroyed lives

There they will remain for years until they have shown some modicum of remorse

Then and only then will they be helped to face their crimes and make amends

The full horror of their acts forever a reminder around them – there is no escape

So in spite of the Churches failings so far to address these issues, the afterlife will be the shock and horror to these sick people

There, there is no escape

The victims will be healed and peace can be restored, but it will take a very long time

The Catholic Church has a lot to answer for and this disease will not go away until firm and drastic action is now taken

It is already too late for the victims. Perhaps the next generation can be saved?

Amnesty International has urged North Korea to close two political prison camps

There it says, torture is rampant and execution common place

Amnesty has passed evidence to the UN Commission of Inquiry investigating human rights abuses in North Korea

A former security official from one of those camps has said prisoners are forced to dig their own graves before being killed

They die with blows to the back of the neck

Many prisoners are strangled by prison officers or beaten to death with wooden sticks

Also, after a night of servicing officials, women had to die because the secret could not get out

Under Kim Jong-un, North Korea is violating every conceivable human right

People are sent to the political prison camps without charge – let alone a trial

Many of them simply for knowing someone who has fallen out of favour

It is naïve to think that abuses of this nature never get out into the world. They always get out

There is always the Higher Intelligence that brings these atrocities to the attention of the world

Nothing is ever hidden, even if they think it is

Kim Jong-un has blood on his hands, as well as all his henchmen

Their time will come and they will have to suffer the punishment of their own actions, which will be long and arduous

Nobody gets away with anything and that is a fact 

Kim Jong-un has no regard for his people or anybody that does not serve his warped mind

Only someone who is mentally sick could allow these atrocities to happen

Those who have love in their hearts could never do such things

North Korea is a very dangerous place to be in and its subjects continue to suffer daily with starvation and inhumane injustice

Yet fear keeps them trapped in their situation, as they have not got the guts to stand up to this tyrant

The entire country is worn down by suppression that saps the very strength they need to overcome these odds

When a people have nothing more to lose, their dignity is no more

Then an uprising will occur, the likes of which Kim Jong-un could never imagine

Nelson Mandela is still with us on his death bed

His daughter, who is by his side says, “The spirit is still very, very strong. Even on his death bed he is teaching us lessons”

“These are lessons of patience, love and tolerance. Every moment that I am with him I am amazed”

What Ms Mandela is seeing more and more of, is his Spirit body being revealed to her in love and majesty of the man himself

He has no more need of his physical body, but uses it still to demonstrate the strength of the Spirit body emerging out of the physical

This is what he is teaching her and others who wish to see it

The heavenly transformation is from one body to the next, where all wellbeing is there for all to see

When Nelson Mandela is ready and not before, his Spirit body will release itself and then the real work in Africa will have to start

While Nelson Mandela still remains earthbound he is putting elements into process…

…so that South Africa can start to meet its obligations for its people

He has not been idly lying there, but active in his working mind to produce or to demonstrate a shift of mind-set in his people

They will then strive and demand for better equality

President Zuma will then have a very hard time, something he does not yet know what will hit him

It will all be down to one man, the legacy that stands for Nelson Mandela

He will be more powerful dead than at any other time in his life

There was spying on East Timor by Australian’s Secret Intelligence Service (ASIS) where Australia bugged key officials

These were ahead of talks on a major energy deal

East Timor has brought the case to an International Court in The Hague

The lawyer representing East Timor had his offices raided and pertinent documents and electronic media equipment was taken

The case centres on listening devices planted in the East Timor cabinet office under the guise of refurbishment

This was to obtain information on the Timor Sea Gas Treaty in 2004

The Certain Maritime Arrangement in the Timor Sea treaty sets out how Australia and East Timor share reserves

East Timor now wants the treaty scrapped on the grounds of spying giving Australia an unfair advantage in commercial negotiations

The lawyer speaking in The Hague said the raid on his offices by Australian Secret Intelligence was an intimidatory tactic

Also a key witness in the case, a former senior Australian intelligence officer was questioned

He has now had his passport cancelled to prevent him testifying

If Australia thinks it can get away with these sharp practices it is highly mistaken

The International Law looks very seriously on methods of this nature and there will be a severing of ties regarding these practices

Australia will not gain by these deceitful acts and will see that reprisals are handed to them

Their situation will be most uncomfortable and embarrassing for them

Other deceitful acts of spying have already caused a backlash when they were found listening into the Indonesian President’s family

These acts will bring in repercussions they never thought possible due to their short-sightedness

All gains will be automatically wiped out

Australia will need to start again, but with humility and contriteness – a trait that does not come naturally to Australians

An estimated 100,000 people have died in the conflict in Syria

The UN’s Commission of Inquiry into Syria has produced massive evidence of very serious crimes – war crimes against humanity

The scale of viciousness of the abuses being perpetrated by elements on both sides almost defies belief

The evidence also indicated responsibility “at the highest level of Government including the head of state”

The UN Commission of Inquiry has compiled a list of those believed to be directly responsible of human rights violations

The names and specific evidence remains confidential pending a prosecution for war crimes and…

…crimes against humanity by the International Criminal Court

President Bashar al-Assad is said to be directly responsible of those violations

The problem that leaders have in times of war is how they operate

With regards to Syria, where they have a dictatorship, the idea is to crush any opposition by whatever means to keep them in power

For power in their own right is all that they are interested in. The people become surplus to requirements

That is why so many atrocities occur and so many innocents are destroyed

There will be punishment of war crimes

It does not matter that Russia or China might veto; they will happen and justice for the innocent fallen will occur

The situation in the Ukraine is going to turn very nasty indeed

Activists gather with a self-reliant determination to oust their present President

The President has refused to sign a deal allowing the Ukraine to get closer to EU ties

Certainly the west and northern parts of the Ukraine already feel more European than Russian

It is the threat from Russia to squeeze sanctions on the Ukraine, where gas and oil is vital to their survival

This has put pressure on the President to refuse to sign the deal with Europe

As always Russia holds the big stick of dominance over a country that is not self-reliant in these forms of energy

Russia is afraid to see their own authority being constantly eroded and their power slowly diminishing even in their own country

That is why Russians feel so much under the cosh

They try to release themselves from a regime that is only interested in their own power control

The regime is not interested in what is right for the people themselves

To this day, in the 21st Century, the Russian people do not have freedom

They are constantly being watched to see that they toe the line. For them movement is restricted and human rights are not recognised

For the Ukrainian people, they wish for freedom & no longer wish to remain under the strict controlling influence of Russian domination

The situation will be a stalemate

There needs to be a strong Government, who will stand with the people

They need to see how they can bring in energy from a different source, so that they can all survive

As with all these things, where there is a will there is a way

The European parliament will be able to advise on a strategy that can be implemented for this country’s survival

Russia is not the only source of energy

The time of true enlightenment is upon us. All who think they know best must now look to see if that is true

We must learn to act responsibly, for our actions can have catastrophic effects on the lives of Man

Many have good intentions but are short-sighted and where the follow through is not always possible or manageable

It is at these times that Man then must look to try an alternative way to make amends for past hurts and disappointments

The true way is always with the right intentions, but with the wisdom of experience behind one, the true decisions can made

That is why the Higher Intelligence never rushes, but through calculated methods and contingency plans a better way is always found

To seek the right way is to give up the very thought of the self

To see where the greater good can be achieved and with that perception then the way is always found

We are always directed, yet few of us actually realise this and so we continue to fall into the pit of despair when we have gone wrong

It is with the stillness of the mind that this vital knowledge is achieved and then the enlightened moment to act in the right way is given

This takes practice, but over time it becomes second nature

Then the sweet harmony of life is always around us and we are no longer in a battlefield