Saturday, 30 September 2017


25th September 2017 (jandmayers and ladylydialondon twitter)

“The more one talks about war, the more one is reluctant to go through with it”

“The consequences of a North Korean/United States war are incomprehensible”

“These two hotheads flexing their pathetic muscles will ultimately bring the entire world into oblivion”

“Does anyone really take these two hotheads seriously?”

“The powers that be out of the Oval Office and other nations will not allow this to happen”

“It is totally inconceivable that these irresponsible people…”

“…think that they can bring this world into total destruction without massive confrontation”

“China is already putting the squeeze on North Korea…”

“…holding back enormous sums of money, which will only allow North Korea to barely function”

“North Korean people are struggling day by day.  They cannot deal with anymore hardship”

“Widespread starvation, not released to the general public, is already happening”

“Kim Jong-un knows this, but his hot-headed ego will not want to recognise the continuous impact he is having on his starving millions”

“The world must see how great he is with his armaments of military hardware”

“This top show has no impact on China, who is totally aware of the intense suffering of the North Korean people”

“China will curb this upstart and control his movements”

“China does this in a slow squeeze, so that Kim Jong-un is fully aware of his lifeline being withdrawn slowly and agonisingly”

“See a slow backtrack of events where Kim Jong-un, still keeping face with his people, will take his foot off the accelerator of defiance”

“This will put Donald Trump in an equally defenceless position, where he must have the last word in the face of worldwide opinion”

“No one wants war. These tiny men’s egos must not be fed, as it is an affront to worldwide extinction!”

19th September 2017 (jandmayers and ladylydialondon twitter)

“As we all pass through this earthly life into a different dimension of time and space, we will see that nothing is beyond our capabilities”

“We become free of our earthly bodies and all those restrictions that that entails”

“We are all universal beings, created out of love for a single purpose and that is to understand life in many different forms”

“Because we are all created out of love, we are free, especially on this earth, to be ourselves”

“We feel we can and do anything that we like, that no one will stop us doing anything unless we harm another”

“In the next dimension, after our earthly conditions are done, we all become freer to a much greater capacity”

“We are able to take in knowledge of the universe and to have an understanding of how we are all joined together”

“We are all at one with the universe and its spiritual content”

“We all sense and hear our Creator’s voice as a thought form”

“This powerful reality has already penetrated those souls, who have had out of body experiences”

“It is also felt by those who go into deep meditation”

“The information given to us is to teach us that there is a deeper fabric of existence”

“We are all part of this deeper more meaningful existence, but are not conscious of it in our daily lives”

“Hence, we tend to sleepwalk through life, ignorant of the true reality that encompasses us every day”

“Every soul, on leaving their earthly body, is finally united with this unconditional love force and where everything is explained”

“We are and have always been, bigger than our earthly bodies and brain allow”

“We all have God present in us at all times, loving us and guiding us towards a more fulfilling life”

“This way we are all connected in this divine existence with our Creator, who loves us all”

“We can all learn about this from scientific documented evidence”

“Or we can learn more by meditation and prayer to access these thruths of what happens to us behind that veil after bodily death”

“Our consciousness lives on to begin a greater journey of fulfilment and personal understanding”

“We are never disappointed, always enlightened and fear has no part to play in this next dimension.  We all live on!”

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