Monday, 19 December 2011


The Chinese to burst forwards now onto the World stage in every area…

…They are fundamentally worth far more than people realise as they have hidden capital elsewhere

Tariffs on worldwide trade will not change in the foreseeable future as their outlets are bearing fruit on a massive scale

China is careful not to interfere with their own delicate balance…

…They wish to appear friendly while maintaining their iron grip on their own economy

To see the Euro fall is an absolute certainty…

…Germany and other countries in the EU are turning a blind eye to the severe problems still outstanding

One cannot just paper over the cracks. Hard-line reforms must be implemented…

…All this pussyfooting around making grand overtures will not settle what is so fundamentally wrong with its entire structure

See a backlash to what Germany and France have now put in place. They cannot hold on to a further sinking economy

All is falling through their fingers…

…If they think the world is naïve and feel they have managed to plug the gigantic financial hole, they are grossly out of order

The Israeli Prime Minister to resurrect talks with the Palestinians with the intention of bringing about successful peace talks

A settlement regarding Palestinian settlements will be halted and then miraculously resurrected. New policies will be put in place

A new wave of optimism over uncertainty is being created. This war is almost over

Iran to halt international proceedings in a big way. They wish to isolate themselves and prevent further conflict

The arming of themselves with nuclear weapons to allow themselves to remain free of appraisals from other governing countries…

…They wish to head the World as a new superpower

While their nuclear programme remains unstable they feel vulnerable to reports from the West

President Obama remains vigilant and hopes a peace settlement can continue. His remarks fall gravely on the heads of the Ayatollahs

For the Israelis, a new Jewish settlement will be arranged and approved…

…It will allow for the Palestinians to form a right of entry and to hold new talks in deciding its own future

Economic pressure will be brought to bear to allow this to happen

There is a searing difficulty that America has as it finds its hands are constantly bound. It cannot move no matter which way it wants to go

So a restricting Government policy allowing for further outlets to appear, which will disrupt the further building in the Gaza Strip

Increasing world pressure, the likes both America and Israel cannot ignore…

…to bring about a peaceful settlement to the Israeli/Palestine conflict

Watch now and finally believe.  No one has the right to continually bamboozle one another...

…By Divine Intervention solutions are always possible and precise

There will be a coalition government in Afghanistan, which will release all tensions in the area…

…A new operative to emerge to take over from President Karzai will be the deciding factor

This situation will come about and a joint venture with integrity will be formed, so that the Afghan people can believe in themselves again

The Arab League in Syria will find devastating evidence, which will give them the mantle to close off all operations on a military basis

They are being led away from the furore, but cleverly the Supreme Intelligence steers them back on course, where all will be revealed

The Palestinian generals will have a strong say in their Parliament as to how matters can be finally turned around

There will be a goodwill gesture towards the Israelis. If they fail to accept this offering then the World will come down heavily on them

Israel needs to move now onto the back foot and to use all their bargaining chips to avoid further conflict/bloodshed

The World now is looking to Israel to repair the damage that they, as aggressors, have caused…

…No longer will the World turn a blind eye to their belligerent antics

America will have to stand aside and see their ally being pressurised by World authorities. No longer will America be allowed to interfere

Justice for a Palestinian state will evolve. Israeli co-operation if Israel wants eventual peace. The eyes of the World are on Israel now!

The Pakistani generals will be in uproar. They wish to maintain control over their already flagging Government

Their eagerness to rule will see a backlash in reprisals and arms will be brought on the streets in protests

Law and order in this fragile state will not succeed and many will lose their lives because of it

As previously predicted, President Obama won again. He has an uphill struggle of which there is no doubt, but he has right on his side

So start to see the continuing crumbling of Republican nominees…

…None have the stomach to be a true leader. This will be proved time and again

A starling new election with a new framework of working never seen before is being formatted now to be utilised at the appropriate time…

…so Republicans you had better watch out!

The situation in Syria is getting even more dire. The economy will be in stranglehold soon causing many economic problems

Bashar al-Assad, now trying to frantically cover everything up, is running scared – guilt all over his face

The Arab League will find atrocities, as more evidence of brutality can no longer be ignored

The people to rise up with a massive show of support. Fear is not on the agenda

To be able to see peace through another person’s eyes is to see all hatred, all conflict completely diminish…

…and to be replaced totally with love

The world’s suffering is caused by Man’s interminable greed on another, whether by invasion or by corruption, it is all the same

The next life will be an eye opener to so many, who will have to put back and make good all the harm given out throughout their own lifetime

A backlash of Syrian troops will backfire in their faces. Many army personal will be injured

A complete falling away now of military people as they begin to safeguard the needs of their own people…

…They are beginning see the light now in this falling regime

President al-Assad arrested for war crimes. He has no refuge, nobody wants him. He is too hot to handle

See famine and disease hit America. From out of the blue a new virus will hit that country. Alarms will be heard the entire world over

To counteract this disease, which will hit entire populations, a strict regime of cleansing will be in operation

It is airborne and will move to other countries as the wind blows

See Greece’s austerity plans bite hard. It is unsustainable…

…An open revolt by the people will be quashed as hardliners try to bite the bullet and proceed

Greece to anyway slip under its own ruling. There is nothing to hold this country…

…The EU bailout won’t even touch the sides. All is a gaping hole

For Greece to recover, once it has stopped falling, will see a new revolutionary idea be put into practice…

…where fair working practices throughout the land will finally be accepted

As was predicted some time ago new uprisings in Egypt, this situation will not stop until the streets have run with blood of innocent people

Until Governments realise that the people will be heard and for them to put aside their own egos and…

…what they feel is an entitlement to power, there will be continued unrest

It is the people who will be heard and revolutions throughout the Globe will continue until the puppet dictators are removed

Those who seek to influence these puppet dictators for their own ends will see their own certain downfall…

…They are too have blood on their hands

President Obama to influence strategic negotiations with both the House of Representatives and the Senate…

 …The move will win by a small majority in his favour

Until Republicans wake up to the fact that they are crippling their own people…

…they have no right to feel they can represent them in any election – never mind the next!

The US people will be screaming for early elections unless something major occurs to break this deadlock      

This will in fact happen towards the fall of next year…

…See the people vote with their feet and it is they who will safeguard their country – NOT the politicians

A second term for President Obama, his control of the situation getting stronger by the minute

The Republicans are blind to the request of their own people

President Obama has two main options regarding his country’s deadlock where congress is concerned

He either puts up with it and later loses or he fights with all his might to finally turn matters around

The Republicans are in a very weak situation and a strong leader will break this deadlock as he has right on his side just now

See a breaking up of this deadlock as the side issues of the Republican arguments start to fall by the wayside…

…The slow erosion has already started

To see the monolith of despair of so many people is to understand true pain with no hope…

…It is only when help and understanding from a Higher Source comes forward that salvation begins

None of us are alone.  We are constantly being transported through depths of intelligence to begin to understand our part on this earth

Never believe your role upon this earth is the reason for another’s survival. We each have our own path to walk & to muster in this lifetime

We all must learn to be open to the Higher Influences, which steer us through the many mazes life has to offer us…

…Without that guidance man is lost and remains in darkness

The situation in Syria will get more violent as Bashar al-Assad takes a firmer grip on his country’s opposition

He is raving mad inside and his will will spill over to more extremes of violence and torture…

…As this happens, so the walls are closing in on his reign

In the end he brings about his own destruction

A split in the Israeli Senate will see harsh, inflamed words spoken between the Moderates and the Hardliners

This split is growing fast and nothing can stop this. You will see a divided Israel for the first time

To view Cameron as a failure in the Euro negations is being rather blinded…

…to the dictatorship of Merkel and Sarkozy, who are only in it for their best interests

They cannot save the Euro and whatever contingency plans they have put in place are already too late

See them all sink into the mire and England will then know it has had a lucky escape

To put ones house in order first is the main function of all Governments. Without this format none can question anothers misconduct

I have spoken about a split in Russia before, an uprising. See this momentum grow out of proportion to bring down a defective Government

Russia’s unrest is legendary. It is only now that these brave people will again see their own revolution…

…Neighbouring countries will rise up with them

A coalition of amazing proportions will evolve to take Putin down. He cannot hold his position by fear and violence anymore

The Politburo to expand and then fall leaving nothing left to destroy anymore

To be practical and positive is always a good thing…

…What is needed is a further decline to bring everything out in the open and for positive events to finally show themselves

Out of this Euro crisis new ideas and policies will manifest…

…It will be the Higher Intelligence that will instigate change and in the right and true way

Politicians are all about self interest, so a Higher Power has to put them all back on the right course…

…and what is inevitably right for the people and not for the politicians any longer

See a falling away, a total breakup of all European countries before a calm and definite solution is formed

The Euro crisis to further fall as disruptive forces within the 17 will not be able to ratify the agreement

Nobody trusts anybody anymore to direct this sinking ship…

…Only once the inevitable has happened will a new starter regime be able to be implemented. Nothing otherwise is possible

All European Governments are looking the other way…

…No one has any real strategy as they don’t know the answers yet to so many questions, hence they cannot lead

For Sarkozy and Merkel to devise policies to rectify a falling currency is a joke…

…They simply cannot. Soon enough they will finally begin to realise it!

The Euro now falling fast and cannot be saved no matter what contingency plans are put into place to save it. It is all too late

Merkel and Sarkozy to differ on many aspects. They will try to compromise but it cannot hold

Once the Euro has fallen a new form of currency will be elected, not everybody will take it on board

Reforming the banks is the only answer to these problems…

…They will pay dearly for their irresponsible actions. Nothing concrete can save them

For peace to occur in the world, Man has to forgive Man in so many ways…

…to bring about talks, to compare common interests and to expand on nature

Until Mankind starts to respect each other and to build bridges instead of breeding distrust and propaganda, nothing will ever get mended

It is high time that Mankind realised that the pains of war are not an indication of strength, but a weakness…

…All those people, whose intellect are high, realise the futility of war

Start to advance in your minds. It has been centuries since we emerged from those caves…

…How far have we come? Some world operatives are still back in those brutal times

Advanced nations see life as all precious and it is worth preserving. Destroy life in every manner and eventually you destroy yourself!

The talks with Merkel and Sarkozy will prove irrelevant as they are totally unaware of the causes of this European economic problem …

…nor are they in a position to do anything about it

When will this World wake up to the mismanagement of the Euro? When it finally falls then, and only then, will they finally wake up!

The consequences of their talks brings no new light to the subject of saving the Euro. Nothing is capable of saving it!

Many people, the world over, think that the Government owes them a living. This is not the case…

…Man must learn to fend for himself – anything else is a bonus

Until Mankind starts to acknowledge that all must learn to help and trade with each other peacefully, nothing can be achieved

The wars of this world are a result of corrupt and ill-informed Governments, who seek control and power over others

These in time will cease as Mankind’s realisation that wars solve nothing. It will be the people, not the Governments who will decide

To believe that solvency is the answer to resolve all the banking problems is to ignore the true mismanagement of the banking system

Until major banking reforms are made these problems will continue to grow out of hand

No banks or heads of banks are prepared to listen. They want all on their terms alone and they are not interested in the man in the street

A further economic crash, to bring banks down and finally to their senses, will happen. They cannot hold this course of instruction

The Egyptian fiasco will end in slaughter, until the people’s voices are truly heard

Another opening of free elections to push matters through will be instructed. The army will be forced to step down

A military coup, which now looks close to action, will be thwarted

The struggle by the people continues

An uprising to occur in Iran, which will take the Government by surprise

Greece to further default on its bail out deals. It cannot hold its course

The Turkish Government will fire words of warning to Syria. An important stance will be taken by Turkey

New policies to save the Euro will not work. The Central Banks continue to put strangleholds on the economies around the World

Until an entire new banking system is devised, there can be no hope for European and other countries around the World

The man in the street continues to suffer

New fiscal and monetary regulations will see banks being devolved in order for a new emergence of a financial system not before dreamed of

See banks fall as the economic situation becomes more precarious


To see a light at the end of this Euro crisis is impossible as the amount of debt for both Greece and Italy is but a bottomless pit

They have both succeeded in their own right to make a complete mockery of these countries who work hard and are able to pay their way

So the Higher Intelligence that is out there and that “Law”, which provides everything to balance, will only happen…

…once the fall out has been reached

The Euro can never sustain its right in its present form

Italy’s ex Prime Minster Berlusconi will come under attack for his irresponsible handling of the economy. It is open season against this man

See him tried for various crimes of corruption and be made an example of. His money can no longer keep him safe

Meanwhile Mario Monti will need a miracle to save Italy. The country is now staring into the abyss

Greece will see its debts grow as further dips in its economy bite hard

Angel Merkel is now facing stiff opposition within her own party to keep going, but not to carry any country anymore…

…They cannot sustain this onslaught to their own economy

The situation in Greece is further spiralling out of control as this country continues to further flat line

Egyptian democracy cannot fully get under way as disturbances will increase again. The blood letting is not over yet

The Syrian Government to bow down to pressure as the squeeze gets tighter other countries who have not yet shown their hand will follow suit

President Karzai will issue an edict asking the US for more funds to improve his regime

He is under mounting pressure from the opposition in Afghanistan to make more progress for their people

His corrupt government has been failing in too many activities, so pressure now is mounting

Angela Merkel to sign an agreement, which will act as a condition for strength and unity during this monetary crisis

The world is watching the European situation unfold. It will hit crisis levels until a new solution is brought in

Spain’s Euro is now dependant on the bail out scheme. It cannot hold this austerity package. It is too much in debt

See Spain fall as the situation collapses all around them

A situation to occur in Iran, which will cause a backlash politically. Ahmadinejad will see his popularity change considerably

Libya to push through electoral reforms, so it can begin this peaceful transition

All Libyan people will rejoice in their new leader, a coming together of numerous factions for the greater good

Angel Merkel will find stiff opposition to her plans inspite of wanting to put in new financial reforms

To bring about fiscal reforms to the European currency will take a generation to implement in its present form

A swifter reform bill will be introduced when the time is right and the people ready to accept the change

The IMF to run into trouble with countries not able to meet the prerequisite payment demands

They have statuary laws to enforce these payments, but it will be almost too difficult to impose

Until the entire breakup of the banking system globally is achieved, nothing can get sorted out!

New reforms will be imposed to bring in severe banking changes as the economic situation spirals out of control

The Iranians will become more and more hostile and will invoke a call to arms should any further foreign presence be implicated

Ayatollahs are meeting to discuss an arms embargo with other nations, who obstruct their regime

They are seeking to further influence outside neighbouring countries to their plight

They are both strong and determined to oust out any form of retaliation towards their own objective

The US Government now grinding to a standstill.  The gridlock will maintain its stance before a breakthrough by President Obama is achieved

President Obama will face fierce opposition by the country to rectify these problems…

…The people gathering in strength and voice behind their President

See him announce further measures to counteract the Republican stalemate.  Their days are numbered!

The European Monetary solution is further dipping with no safety net.  No politician can save this falling economy

The banks will go bust and many people will lose. Government bail outs cannot save these people. The pot is now bare!

Angela Merkel can do nothing more. She can only sit and wait – the downfall shocking to see

She has done all that is humanly possible. It is the people now who will have their say

The Italian Prime Minister, Mario Monti, will have internal struggles to get everything up and running

There is a block obstruction, about 8-9 people, who will want to give their own power

They will be sidelined in order for matters to be got underway, only to encounter another obstruction

It will literally be like trying to limp to the finishing line with various stops along the way

Italy’s currency to devalue further. Austerity measures, no matter how severe cannot now save this country. It is a bottomless pit

To see justice done in so many ways and for life to make a difference to the masses, a new thought dimension must evolve first

The greed of the nations repels the progress of the people. A new light to change destruction is now taking place every day

See Mankind fall to his knees and beg to be saved. Only then will the right order be formed

The Arab League now gathering in strength and momentum to safeguard their own feeble situations…

…A show of united strength gives them a platform from which to operate

It is, if you like, a moral booster.  Bashar al-Assad will literally be squeezed out of office

Many Republican candidates for the American election will fall by the wayside. They will have no public opinion large enough in their favour

President Obama will continue unchallenged. His voice will be heard louder than ever and will carry favour with the American people

There will be an air strike towards Syrian army strongholds to adopt a similar tactic as was taken in Libya

The Arab League will operate strategic defence systems to bring Bashar al-Assad into line

Bashar al-Assad to acknowledge he is now being overwhelmed with opposition, will decide to hang on to power nevertheless

The Syrian President will be thrown off course with a legal statement giving him no right to rule anymore

His days are now running out as the Arab League is gathering momentum to overthrow his regime

His forces will have to lay down their arms as more and more opposition faces them also

Mario Monti will find it extremely difficult to put matters into place while Berlusconi still holds so much power

His influence stands to jeopardise talks on the new format required to move Italy on and out of this mess

Until Berlusconi is finally removed once and for all, Italy further sinks into the mire and Mario Monti knows it!

The German Chancellor will be vetoed with an idea that she has.  She is on the brink of collapse. Her own health waning

For the Germans to hold their position and announce to the World that they can only go so far, will not save the rest of Europe

The German people will rebel on the constraints put on them largely through the laziness and corrupt Governments of the other countries

The German people’s voice will at last be heard and their voice is higher than any other

“We will not stand aside, neither will we stand with you – you must choose your own destiny either to survive or drown”

The World must come to realise there is no easy solution to the financial crisis in both Europe and America

Both in their own way blame the other for taking unnecessary risks with too few safeguards. This policy has been going on for decades

Now the full might of Universal Law is upon each and every one of us to pay the price for this increasing negligence

Man must start to understand and learn what he sows so he reaps…

…This financial crisis is now the reaping of a foolhardy regime of subsequent Governments

So now you all are in no mans land and that is where you will remain while all is breaking down around you…

…until the World finally wakes up that they cannot and must not go back to the old thinking of monetary values

It is ‘Our’ policy to turn matters around when ‘We’ decide, not when Governments decide, that is why all is held in a fractious limbo state

Nothing will change until it is decided and not by human means or intelligence

The full wake up call has not yet been addressed. This is further to come in

Then the World will listen!

The economic situation to take a violent drop again as share prices tumble to a new all time low sending markets panicking once more

The IMF to come under criticism of their policies, which are becoming too stringent

Christine Lagarde to defend her position rigorously

See the World Banking Corporation finalise a deal to enable growth globally to occur

The economic situation to reach an impasse in all countries.  No country can go forward at this time

All European countries are now waiting like the Titanic…

…having hit the object, which is now ripping the guts out of the hull, are waiting to see its eventual fall

The belief system to each and every government is disbelief.  They all thought they were unsinkable, the structure would hold them

They took their eyes off the economic course for far too long.  The injury all consuming

The economy of the entire world is now threatened and can no longer be ignored

Even China, which has enjoyed largely a stable government, will be rocked to its very core

There is an unstable aspect, which has an undercurrent and the Chinese have tried to make light of it

They can no longer ignore their own social and political discrepancies

See the people breaking out in demonstrations, especially in the northwest aspect. Again the power of the people will be heard

Berlusconi is in such a turmoil he doesn’t know what to do. He is teetering on thin ice and he knows it

The Italian economy crashing down all around them, the Government on shifting sands before they are entirely swallowed up like quick sand

All in the Government will have to look at themselves. The people in abject horror and disgust – an outcry to come

To understand the man Berlusconi is to see the infant playing badly and there is no teacher to reprimand him

The Higher Intelligence always deals with matters at the right time, so events swallow up that person entirely. There are no more chances

To allow Mankind to emerge from the depth of despair can take a lifetime…

…but in the end it is the individual’s journey that realises that time

Once the mindset has changed for the better, through visible instruction, so the recovery is swift indeed

Every soul who understands this journey of life bears its own fruit…

…None are forgotten and the outcome is due to the soul’s evolvement alone and not on the back of another

As the politicians fail to agree on their own rescue policies, they are still at loggerheads with each other

The people of this world wait with breath held to see politicians govern and to find the right solution to these monetary policies

The true answer is they have no solution

As ‘I’ have said before, they are in no mans land and will remain there until the right solution is shown to them

Until then they must just flop around like headless chickens not knowing how to deal with this monetary mess, which simply grows and grows

Silvio Berlusconi will be brought down by his own party members

Italy now is completely at a standstill. It has no direction. It cannot sustain its needs and gridlock has already occurred

The Italian people will riot. The pain for them too unbelievable to believe

See the very rock foundation of Italy shudder before the very eyes of the world. They have not seen anything yet!

George Papandreou will be dismissed out of sight. His mismanaged reign to the people of Greece, now their legacy to deal with

Out of the furore a new parliament will emerge with strict fiscal union to move matters to a higher ground of productivity

They will need to sell many assets in order to achieve a more stabilising effect

The heart of the people will re-emerge and a more consolidated front out of European control can be established

Start to see the Euro crumbling further. It is like a hot potato

…Nobody wants it. It has too much drag on it, too much filth.  It is now worthless

Stock Markets are poised on the brink of anarchy. They cannot stabilise something that keeps on falling away from them

The Stock Markets are on shaky ground all clambering to be safe, not knowing if they are the next to go

They all know that they have bled people dry…

…and their false form of financing, together with their ultra egos, is now what is staring them in the face

The entire Greek Government will have to resign. The point of no return now having been reached

The Greek People in utter uproar will see Molotov cocktails on the streets again

The Euro to slump to its all time low. It is unsavable and this should be realised

The Greek situation will further drop as talks with Angela Merkel and Sarkozy will prove irrelevant

The Greek Prime Minister will hand in his resignation after ballots will prove irreparable damage to his government

The Greek people further outraged, the people will flock in their millions to voice to their disgust

Look to the changes in the Iranian regime. The unrest that was local is now spreading rapidly throughout this land

Palestinians will be shocked again as there will be a backlash to their proposals…

…They should not give up.  The window of opportunity is finally stirring

See a Higher Intelligence force a settlement through, whereby Palestinians can get what is so rightfully theirs


President Assad of Syria will get the shock of his life when his illegal threats will backfire on him from all directions

As the squeeze for his removal is slowly stepped up, so he will see his term of office coming to its close

He cannot continue fighting against his people and subject his people to the brutal assaults he has been doing

He will be strung up by his feet. He now is in a cleft stick and has no more bargaining power – his downfall only a matter of time

Silvio Berlusconi will have to backtrack on his monetary plan. He will be overridden by so many people

Italy now cut in half and there will be a public outcry, the likes this country has not seen in decades

There will be a sweeping away of Berlusconi’s power – something he never thought he would see in his day

A backlash to Angela Merkel’s objective from her own people will see this policy vaporize before everybody’s eyes

It is untenable and it will cause enormous pressure on her and Nicholas Sarkozy to resign

They will just about hold their positions, but they will be forced to think again as mounting pressure is all around them

See the new dawning of the New Age, not of austerity, but in the right way to go ahead about business in the right and just way!

To know a so called solution to a problem is going to go so drastically wrong, as it will, is no consolation when it does

All seventeen European countries wanting to save a rotten banking system from falling…

…at whatever cost to the individual in the street, is absolutely brainless

All will have to suffer for being so naive and in the end all will have to eat their words

For the rest of us, we can only look on while they continue to make fools of themselves and help to bring us all down with them

To see a true solution to the economic situation won’t come easily. It really does mean a stripping away of the old regime & starting again

Many analysts still see the situation as impossible and they are right to think this way

Berlusconi will make a hash of the agreement on the table at present. He has no intention of abiding by the rules

Watch the Euro go through the floor. Nothing can save this currency now even if they tried

There is no way out. Only a coming together of nations to realize decades of mismanagement

…and a financial structure which is rotten to the core and corrupt in so many ways

As it finally crashes, then a new structure will be formed…

…starting from scratch with new policies and a new infrastructure not seen before in this century

The economic community must recognize that the problem is far greater than they can understand

Once this fact has been reached, so a window of insight will be given

…but only when the full realization comes in that they cannot and must not go back to how things were

Angela Merkel and Nicolas Sarkozy will not be able to contain this motion of bailout

the resources only have a finite point of capacity and that point has almost been reached!

Every aspect that is at their disposal is now blocked.  They are in no mans land!

Now the turning of the screws is finally operating. All politicians will have to sit down and listen

The Euro will fall. It has no longer a place in this market…

…The constraints on it placed by the banking corporations, whose wayward policies have helped to bring about its own downfall

To bring sanity backs to the table, a new way of finance, which is not yet been thought of, will finally emerge

Wait and learn!

The world to come to realize it cannot continue to go on as it has done…

…where countries deal with countries for their own ends and ignore the plight of its people

Every country has done its misdeeds and it is now time that this situation comes to an end

The world changes will bring every country to its knees until they get their own house in order

Governments no longer can hide behind the veil of misdeeds. They are all now systematically being exposed

The further bailout of Greece cannot save this failing country. Greece should be allowed to further fall and then it can finally level out

Two ministers in Greece will foreclose the financial package, which will send the Parliament into a furore…

It will have the peoples of backing

Until the European Monetary Fund is prepared to realise that certain countries will need to go to the wall

no repair to Europe’s economy can get underway

The slaying of Gaddafi will see a wave of optimism for the first time in decades…

…The NTC will be very particular as to whom it asks for help in this interim time

Libya will see the settling of the dust and a reawakening of the old skills and ways of communication that has been lost in a generation

They will all act with caution and will be in no hurry to accept help from those countries who are a potential threat to their own security

To see into the heart of a nation is to see its very soul. How much does it really think of its people? How much does it really care?

Pride in oneself is not enough, but pride to extend a purpose

…a happiness to bring all nations up to believe that they are both true to themselves and each other, is what is important

Be mindful of your actions as they cause reactions in others and not necessarily in the way you wish it. Think before you act!

To see a brighter future for Libya will not be an easy transition

…The old beliefs and aspirations need to be pulled down completely for there to be justice in the right and orderly manner

The people of Libya will protest, but without violence, to bring about justice for so many who have lost loved ones under the Gaddafi regime

This course of action will happen and a gentle healing of the wounds to so many can finally take place

To be master of your own destiny is to re-establish a working format that is manageable and constructive.  Then you are going places

Every person needs a helping hand at some time in their lives. When you give it, so it is returned to you at a later date

Love is the currency that is accepted throughout the globe.  It transcends throughout all nations and brings down all barriers

The world’s people now gathering daily in strength against corrupt bankers and institutions. Beware the momentum is ongoing

A substantial world economy, to be devised to bring an end to bureaucracy and red tape, will occur!

The saving of the Euro is an impossible dream. It will be devalued and another currency imposed at the appropriate time

Be vigilant as uprising after uprising is occurring and that means even in your own back yard

Mankind is now on self destruct, unless a new set of moral rules can be imposed to bring Mankind back on track…

…instead of out there in the wilds of mayhem and upheaval

The turning, almost of full circle, to bring back a morality, courtesy and respect toward humanity, is now in motion

Schools, homes and justice, a relearning from what once was, a new format, which every man, woman and child must now learn

None is exempt and new codes of conduct will infiltrate in all walks of life. Begin to see and feel these changes

In order for life to become balanced again, a new revolution of law and order must be maintained

Watch as more governments are toppled by the financial situations. Nobody is safe anymore

Everybody in the commercial world seems to be sleepwalking, hoping and trusting in governments to bring in a result

…This is never going to happen!

A new world policy will have to be administered, whereby a collective pot of money to secure all countries will come about

This is not possible until all is finally lost to bring in the right minds that are able to make that necessary difference

We are not there yet!

A fast track move to get Libya up and running is already in the pipeline

Advance warnings to the people to still be on their guard as further skirmishes will give rise to further anguish

The criminal element of Libya will be dealt with in a swift and decisive action. No stone will be left unturned

Start to see a finer balancing act between the economy and what Mervin King has in the pipeline

His thoughts for fiscal growth cannot come on the back of quantitative Easing. It is a joke and no one except the banks will benefit

Minuscule lending by English Banks to small business is all they will ever do right now…

… All banks are running scared, more than they will admit to

The UN is now primed to take over the peacekeeping mission in the Israeli/Palestinian conflict, which will blow up out of all proportions

Never in the field of human conflict has so much disruption to human life been due to the oppressive regimes…

…that only have their own personal agenda at their own heart

A Nobel Peace Prize operative will be called in to give additional advice and guidance

The opening of new trade routes in Northern Asia will be disruptive. Clashes with unfriendly tribes put an end to talks

Much more violence to open up on the streets of Syria, it is now beginning to be the tipping point. The army cannot hold out for much longer

The women to come out with grievances to supports the men. Their blood will be spilled also

Another brutal uprising to occur on the northwest area of Syria. It will be a vital tipping point

Every day will see a further tightening on financial matters

…The stock markets in freefall will remain unsettled for many years, before there will be no use for them

This way of dealing is not right and its influence will diminish completely over time

Another way of raising capital in a safer format will be found. It will be like nothing seen before

Start to see the buildup of events surrounding Syria. President Bashar al-Assad is losing his grip on his own army

A fall away section of his army with mighty generals in tow pose a growing threat to his regime. It is unstoppable

President Bashar al-Assad will no longer be President. His role is untenable – the uprisings to daily increase

An underground movement to topple this regime is already in progress and advancing swiftly

The break up of all the big banks is now inevitable as major powers have known for some time that they have been like a leaking faucet

Governments to come together to enhance technology to bring about a repair to waste disposal around the globe

A frank exchange of ideas from the North American countries to bring back stability in a failing economy

There will have to be a quick solution to world changing events. All will become precarious, but will hold for a while

Never before seen, or experienced, the financial fiasco that is going to hit all markets another freefall to come

Nothing concrete can happen until there is a lasting fiscal solution, where the World Bank must take its stand finally

The people of this once Great Nation will have to adopt a mind changing event so that they can all work together for the greater good

New reforms in discipline within our schools will see children respect authority once again…

…The Piranhas will be left out, abandoned by society until they learn respect must now be reborn

Start to see the fight back now of modern industry to bring about necessary jobs to all areas

The present government will give an injection of finance to bring in these new commercial ventures

A springing up of tiny factories all over the country will help to keep this economy afloat

Everybody is starting to see the light.  No more do they have their heads in the stands…

…Discovery of their own personal wealth will see them more careful in future

Luxury goods will wane. They will no longer be seen as a fashion icon, rather a waste of money and not needed

All sales of goods will be marked down dramatically to accommodate sales. They will see their profits plummet to a more reasonable amount

A new stronger, more robust Government will be forced to take the stand on Greece’s behalf – something the people can trust

A more open and less restrictive Government will be able to save these people. The opening coming soon

More people coming out of Greece’s Government will be more vocal in their criticism of how the people were hoodwinked for so long!

Foreign exporters will also have to pay their fair share of the profits…

…They too have been reckless in their affairs and exposure will be a certainty

The Government of Greece will renege on their bargain with the World Banking Group.  They cannot sustain this policy of austerity

The people of Greece will flat line until a new policy can be reintroduced to save the people, not the politicians

It is now that the new beginning of tax evasion from certain institutions will become more exposed

Large conglomerates, which have passed off their wealth to smaller corporations to avoid tax, will become exposed

Their wheeler-dealings are no more being able to be brushed under the carpet. See new legislation coming in to quash this tide of deceit