Monday, 19 December 2011

TWEETS for MAY 2011

No one can afford to step out of place for the Israeli/Palestine will forfeit what has already been placed on the table…

…They will not be able to obtain more favours

There is a conformation that they will need to adhere to in order to safeguard the security of their people

Now the full impact to the Middle East becomes noticed by the outside world as more pressure is brought to bear. It is unstoppable

There will be a renewed treaty for the Israeli/Palestine situation…

…which will be reinforced by neighbouring countries to secure its role in its delivery

The joy to live and produce again is innate in all of us. We, with help, do survive and matters are often turned around for the better

Let the battle of life continue, for it is through the hardship that true living occurs. Instead we sleepwalk

Know that through every changing day we can make a difference. Opportunities are given to us to make that happen

Love on its own can be difficult, but when collectively harnessed much can be achieved

To trust in an unknown power is not always easy. To see the positive results can be heart stopping and life changing

Many know ‘God’ to be true, but rarely admit it to another…

It is only when one has a life changing experience that it becomes broadcasted to the world

Until Mankind wakes up to promote the greater good in all things, selfishness will continue to ride roughshod and Man continues to suffer

When will Mankind understand that one cannot run away from misdeeds? All is found out – it is just a question of time

The power to make good is within all of us.  We just must realise that it comes from within and does make a difference

An opening of gigantic proportions will see Barack Obama breakthrough impossible barriers. His will against all the odds accomplished

All must adhere now to the calling of a Higher Power or be sucked down never to function again. The tide, now having turned, is in motion

Now as change upon change occurs around this globe, new found solutions are being presented…

…and a new evolvement of finance and protection can now come in

All who see the same vision of Barak Obama will know he is spiritually led and he will accomplish what is required in a given time

His place in history will be seen as the saviour who endured opposition and thrived because of it…

…His statements and his voice will be heard and finally acknowledged

All who stand by the letter of Universal Laws will not perish. All who are opposed will be exiled

The coming of a master plan of events by the Universe will systematically pull down all corrupt institutions never to rise again

Barack Obama will continue to struggle against a mile stone of opposition, gently going forwards. His mission is unstoppable

The entire World now is chaos and it is this chaos which will restore order to a wayward world…

…who thought they could do and act as they pleased regardless of the consequences

Be alert now in this period of time, where revolution after revolution takes place and its voice will be heard and not questioned

The entire World now is chaos and it is this chaos which will restore order to a wayward world…

…who thought they could do and act as they pleased regardless of the consequences

One by one the entire World over will experience this transition. No one who has broken the Universal Laws is safe

Man now must readjust and find his/her own path to recognition and salvation. They are helped every step of the way. No one is missed out

Look now to your conscience and see whether the path is open to you or closed. If righteousness is there for you it will be open

As the tyrants in Moses’ day were no more, they were brought to heel, so the tyrants of today will do so as well…

…The same happening is occurring and righteousness will prevail

A coming to terms of the Universal mind will not be easy for many who have fed on the weak.  They have much to lose…

…Their vice like grip is being prized open – they have lost their control

Mankind to at last stand up and be counted. The suppression can no longer be accepted and tolerated. Man will be heard

The tsunami of Universal cleaning will have to last several years as there are deep pockets of unrest throughout the World

Not everything can be achieved quickly, so for those who feel that hope is not there, will see their own salvation grow…

… and enable them to continue the fight for their own survival. All is ongoing and purposeful. All is achievable as history will prove

It is the wake up call for all around. Everybody in every nation, in every institution, will feel this Universal cleansing

The cleansing to every form of humanity is now in motion…

…All institutions that do not abide by these Universal Laws will fall with no exceptions

Now the shift of personal energy has come into being.  No one can go back to that old life anymore…

…The cries have been heard, action now takes place

Effective ways not found before, or realised, are in motion to stop this purge of injustice towards the people of this world

When the true enlightenment is upon you, you will always acknowledge it for it lasts forever.  It is life changing

Every person on this Earth will experience deprivation and hardships in certain ways…

…By learning to overcome these challenges makes you who you are

The mind is gently eased when the job is done.  Use your time wisely so as to perform to your highest degree and satisfaction

Every child has its greatest knowing the younger it is…

…It has not been tarnished by world vibrations and influences, so its judgement is sound

To have the vision of foresight one must trust in the Higher Being and then, over time, much proof and wisdom is born to all

To reserve judgement over another is to see beyond the crime and then to place oneself in that situation to see how much better we would act

Everybody has a pathway of discovery.  To use it with the good humour intended will see you achieve it and not fall

Many situations look and seem impossible – the Intelligence leads the way and a new solution is always found

The Mighty Force breaks open the deadlock of despair and one by one the people are freed

In order to be saved, one first must believe it and with the courage given to the individuals great happenings can and do occur

Now the full breaking up of the Middle East will have to happen as barriers after barriers of mistrust and mismanagement are broken down

For the right way to be shown of governing a people, is to see deep in the hearts of what is best, prosperity for all without discrimination

For the Higher Intelligence to bring about justice to the people a mighty purge must first take place so that it is wiped clean for all time

Do not fight those who will not change, but leave them to their own devices and insecurities and learn to protect yourself against them

As what is happening in the Middle East starts to sink in and bite hard, all dictators will have to surrender their posts as untenable

The Syrian President, although innocent of various crimes, has not upheld the situation in favour of his people and so will be judged

To be born free is to know no other life. To be born in bondage destroys from within and turmoil can be long lasting

Until Man recognises his own mistakes and gets help, then he is lost to us forever

A broken soul can be mended when that individual finally asks for help and it lovingly appears

The generosity of Mankind towards another is the building blocks for the future and will reap dividends worldwide

Until Man can lay down his arms and negotiate a freedom of expression that is acceptable for all, then nothing can change and wars continue

The aggression of Man will one day be no more, for wisdom will finally prevail as a higher mind evolves

All must face the truth of Mans consequences towards another. When that finally has been reached wisdom comes in and mistakes are rare

To give time and love to ones children is the greatest gift one can bestow and is the legacy they will leave behind

The children are our future. Treat them with kindness and they will do the same as they learn by example

The Power of Life comes from the Divine and it is by his hand that one is born and later reborn into eternal life

To walk alone is never possible as all who believe in an afterlife will know that loving arms surround you always and proof is often given

To be at peace with oneself one first must make retributions for past errors. These in themselves are self cleansing

For true world peace to occur Mankind must enter a dialogue where all can gain in trust and honour and where deception has no part to play

To enter the holy of holies one must be pure of heart and mind, a childs innocence where nothing can tarnish it and so transition is made

To be quiet is to allow thoughts of wisdom to enter in. These words will guide you along your path. It is the teaching from a higher realm

It is always the innocent who take the brunt of the destruction. Their cries are heard by those who are sensitive enough to hear them

To become a sensitive one must be aware of anothers feelings and have compassion where pain and remorse lie. Then you can become of service.

The great minds of this world to form a pact which will hold to allow an understanding to evolve through the uncertainty & fear of the past

Man has a finite time to sort out the Middle East. After that the Higher Intelligence then takes over procedures & the greater good is born

A day of celebration for justice around the world, as more and more cruel dictators are brought down. Mankind cannot live in fear any more

It must be seen that a new reform by the Higher Power of Intelligence to put an end to the vast destruction of Mankind towards one another

With the coming of new life, new ways are shown and hope that was lost reappears in a more organised and exacting way

Don’t cloak yourself in the darkness of despair…

…open up your hearts and allow the light to replenish, nurture and open up what was not there before

To break free from the clutches of oppression is to know salvation is possible and then act upon it

Every soul has the right for freedom. It is our choice if we remain in bondage. For those who wish, the alternative ways are always found

To believe that you can be saved is to believe that a higher intelligence can turn matters around and so the path to salvation emerges

The Higher Intelligence brings change where subversion to its people can no longer be tolerated. All must participate for peace to be restored

The helping hand of guidance strengthens ones resolve and mighty changes can be achieved though impossible odds

Where righteousness prevails, a way is found and assistance from the strangest of places manifests to bring in the correct result

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