Monday, 19 December 2011


We are all responsible for the dictators of this world as we have all allowed it. Look to your conscience. Fear is not the answer

To rise up takes courage, but courage born out of hardship brings salvation. Justice always prevails

It is the courage of Man who brought down the oppressors in two World Wars. Now peace remains and trade is the answer

Syria – how the mighty will fall, it is only a matter of time. The growing dissent of its people will shape its future, not its leaders

See the true upsurge gather momentum, a powder keg that Mankind inflicts on Mankind…

A revolt will see an upstaging of developments. No one is safe anymore

See the impossible occur and know the higher power now steers this ship of salvation over man’s ignorance

To know God is to see his strength, love and compassion over many things, to return harmony over destruction & know that one has been saved

The human revelations come in from the higher source of intelligence. It is always remarkable and foolproof

Forces to enact change will be deployed on a never ending scale as matters get out of control. There will be no choice

For Mankind to emerge the victor out of this mayhem a guiding light is there to prepare the way, so many lives can be saved

The push to enforce the law of the land if it goes against God’s Law it cannot happen. Both must work together to restore trust again

Every idea starts with a single thought, an inspiration that has meaning and purpose…

…The driving spirit will manifest it into a more productive aspect

The world now at a standstill all must see the higher authority working against the odds to bring about a settlement which before was unthinkable

The Middle East to implode, nothing can stop this process until liberty is found and a new life is restored for all

Man has been sleepwalking for far too long and failure to bring about action when needed will be his own downfall

A gathering momentum of new and exciting policies which must be implemented to bring in new trade routes so allowing peace and cooperation

Now the reckoning has begun All is in freefall & nothing that is dishonest can ever last The judgement day awaits all those who are corrupt

Now everything must implode to readjust a strategy that has been in place against the will of the people. Their prayers are being answered

Man must have his say, but full responsibility of his actions must be shown to the world as he must now learn to live with those actions

How can this world repair itself of all this hurt & pain? Until Mankind starts to think before he acts so a way is found and salvation given

The coming of a new era of global cooperation will see many countries out in the cold until full recognition to the cause becomes recognised

Now the Middle East situation gathers momentum and a tremendous catastrophe will arise bringing in all Nations to assist

Open warfare must subside in the wake of this catastrophe, so that an International bilateral agreement becomes effective

All arms put aside as a peacekeeping force to reunite a forgotten cause. The pain in light of the aftermath grave indeed

Go, seek the destiny you were born to achieve and then, and only then, will true fulfilment come upon you

No one likes a miser. They are often uncomfortable in their own body and always suffer hardship in the long run

Giving freely from the heart is the only way to live. Your gifts are always replaced by the generosity of others whose wavelength you are on

The laughter of the tiny baby brings joy to us all. It rings with sweetness and satisfaction and is to be cherished at all times

Too much clutter dulls the mind.  Release all clutter from your life, so that new information and substance have a chance to get in

We live in a parallel universe whereby what we see and do is watched by millions to better understand themselves

To know your destiny is to know that you have been chosen for that special task. Failure is never an option as it had already been decided

My voice to be heard throughout the land, of wisdom, reassurances and peace of mind.  The process is exemplary and comes to those in need

To seek perfection in all things is to see first the tiny orchid in all its majesty and perfection.  It is rare beauty indeed

Never believe that the impossible cannot happen.  World events prove this daily and new hope arrives always on time

To see the uprising unfold before your very eyes, where the powers that be will feel helpless and foolish in the eyes of the world

Many are called few are chosen It takes guts to stand up for what you believe to be right in the face of great opposition Your day will come

The mortal mind is closed.  The spiritual mind is always open.  To see your own future is to trust that Higher Consciousness

To see the possibilities for revolution being undermined is to see no solution to the problem. Open minds to the impossible & it’s presented

When a system is beaten it can never restart itself.  A new concept of evolution emerges and the right way is shown

To conquer ones fears is to see yourself saved time and time again.  There is no death only rebirth in a different form

The waking up to a new idea takes time and must be nurtured in order to take a firmer hold towards salvation

The brightness of our future comes naturally.  It is us that cloud it with doubt and despair.  Wake up and know you are always guided

It is in the gift of giving that precipitates a chain reaction of untold bliss and expectations, which travels beyond consciousness

For the world to be recognised in all its glory a realisation, that all is given freely. All natural resources are free & must be respected

For the world to function in harmony, a letting go of the past and an embracing of the future with the freedom of new ideas and technology

Be at peace in your heart and mind as you are watched over with love and protection. It sustains you and life itself

To bring peace and light into your life you first must ask for forgiveness for yourself – the rest comes naturally

Every waking moment presents a new experience, a joy to behold and new insights to be learnt

To go forwards with caution is necessary in this world of upheaval & strife. The delicate balance of diplomacy is always the deciding factor

The true great men of today also take the advice of a Higher Power of Intelligence and always profit by it

To be guided is to know the true wisdom of another and to test the process so that proof is always given and assurances succeed

We are here all connected by the same life force. It sustains all our needs and brings understanding to those who recognise its worth

As the change over to democracy takes hold freedom can be accomplished. Mans voice out in the wilderness of despair can at last be heard

Man in authority must learn that the right wt of responsibility can be a heavy one. It must not be taken lightly & always with consideration

Love in all things transfixes a purpose that cannot be denied. It is the healing property that sustains all life forces

Mother Earth is the true life force for all of creation. Treat her well so that continuum is always possible

Love all that you have, but love what is freely given more

Be content with what you have.  As you deserve more so more is given by Spiritual Law. It cannot be denied you

The changeover of countries must begin as one by one falls out of the hands of the dictator and into the hands of those who wish to save it

Be gentle on yourself. Allow the readjustment to your soul’s progress. Begin at a time that is right for you. There is no rushing evolvement

To struggle is to go against what you need for your re-growth and your re-establishment to make a better life for yourself and others

You are not forsaken. You are always held in perfect grace. Your time now to evaluate who you are and what you will become is so necessary

To see you as we see you is entirely different. We know you will succeed as we have far reaching vision.  Your fate is with a Higher Power

All that I give will become a part of your life and your life’s experience.  Soon you won’t be able to do without it

Out of every hardship new hope is given and the struggle to survive becomes less as the knowledge becomes greater

We bring you into the sunshine of life as Universal Forces now operate on a different level and changes to your lives are met

We are all but a thought away, a link so powerful it surpasses continents. Think more of loving thoughts and see miraculous happenings occur
Know my words will resonate with you and the proof of what is given will be shown daily in your lives and the lives of others

See a pattern emerging whereby life changing events will transpire and a consistency of information will be to your benefit and knowledge

For man to achieve, he must first realise he is truly blessed in all things, that guidance always comes to him even when ne least expects it

To search for the truth one, first must go within and then in the stillness of the mind the truth is finally released and accepted

To open up & admit failure is a powerful thing You are not judged but allowed a passage of time to put matters right, that is true salvation

Middle East to fall back before it can rise to better level of understanding. Nothing can stop this wave of change all will collapse in time

To love yourself is to love a Higher Power and to know you are always safe and provided for – nothing is left to chance

Opening up the Universal Powers is to see situations manifest beyond your wildest dreams. The possible and the impossible are achieved

A clash of circumstances will evoke a new peace treaty and a special bond will come out of the chaos

Hatred out of hardship bears fruit for violence. Seek to discover another way where the frontiers of new life can be created

Man must know his limitations and trust in a Higher Power to make the necessary adjustments for peace to come about      

We must accept the past in order to grow towards our future.  It establishes who we are, but not necessarily what we are to become

To establish a new motivation for change, see who gains. For it to be worthwhile and life changing all must gain for generations to come

A new idea can bring fear and mistrust. It is in its development where right intention is in place that it can manifest for the good

As mankind begins to emerge from the tyranny of those around him, fresh hope emerges and life takes on a meaning not before dreamed of

Help from nowhere arrives; it is always on time and life changing.  Acknowledge its existence in your life. It comes from a Higher Power

To nurture others one must first nurture oneself. How can you love another if you don’t love yourself?  The two concepts are the same

Happiness is obtained by lifting ones consciousness to a Higher Power and know that you will always be saved

Out of nothing new life is born and continues to grow. It is nurtured and sustained by an invisible force.  All its requirements are met

The higher one lifts ones vibrations the wiser you become and life takes on a different meaning which you can rely on

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