To see a light at the end of this Euro crisis is impossible as the amount of debt for both Greece and Italy is but a bottomless pit
They have both succeeded in their own right to make a complete mockery of these countries who work hard and are able to pay their way
So the Higher Intelligence that is out there and that “Law”, which provides everything to balance, will only happen…
…once the fall out has been reached
The Euro can never sustain its right in its present form
Italy’s ex Prime Minster Berlusconi will come under attack for his irresponsible handling of the economy. It is open season against this man
See him tried for various crimes of corruption and be made an example of. His money can no longer keep him safe
Meanwhile Mario Monti will need a miracle to save Italy. The country is now staring into the abyss
Greece will see its debts grow as further dips in its economy bite hard
Angel Merkel is now facing stiff opposition within her own party to keep going, but not to carry any country anymore…
…They cannot sustain this onslaught to their own economy
The situation in Greece is further spiralling out of control as this country continues to further flat line
Egyptian democracy cannot fully get under way as disturbances will increase again. The blood letting is not over yet
The Syrian Government to bow down to pressure as the squeeze gets tighter other countries who have not yet shown their hand will follow suit
President Karzai will issue an edict asking the US for more funds to improve his regime
He is under mounting pressure from the opposition in Afghanistan to make more progress for their people
His corrupt government has been failing in too many activities, so pressure now is mounting
Angela Merkel to sign an agreement, which will act as a condition for strength and unity during this monetary crisis
The world is watching the European situation unfold. It will hit crisis levels until a new solution is brought in
Spain’s Euro is now dependant on the bail out scheme. It cannot hold this austerity package. It is too much in debt
See Spain fall as the situation collapses all around them
A situation to occur in Iran, which will cause a backlash politically. Ahmadinejad will see his popularity change considerably
Libya to push through electoral reforms, so it can begin this peaceful transition
All Libyan people will rejoice in their new leader, a coming together of numerous factions for the greater good
Angel Merkel will find stiff opposition to her plans inspite of wanting to put in new financial reforms
To bring about fiscal reforms to the European currency will take a generation to implement in its present form
A swifter reform bill will be introduced when the time is right and the people ready to accept the change
The IMF to run into trouble with countries not able to meet the prerequisite payment demands
They have statuary laws to enforce these payments, but it will be almost too difficult to impose
Until the entire breakup of the banking system globally is achieved, nothing can get sorted out!
New reforms will be imposed to bring in severe banking changes as the economic situation spirals out of control
The Iranians will become more and more hostile and will invoke a call to arms should any further foreign presence be implicated
Ayatollahs are meeting to discuss an arms embargo with other nations, who obstruct their regime
They are seeking to further influence outside neighbouring countries to their plight
They are both strong and determined to oust out any form of retaliation towards their own objective
The US Government now grinding to a standstill. The gridlock will maintain its stance before a breakthrough by President Obama is achieved
President Obama will face fierce opposition by the country to rectify these problems…
…The people gathering in strength and voice behind their President
See him announce further measures to counteract the Republican stalemate. Their days are numbered!
The European Monetary solution is further dipping with no safety net. No politician can save this falling economy
The banks will go bust and many people will lose. Government bail outs cannot save these people. The pot is now bare!
Angela Merkel can do nothing more. She can only sit and wait – the downfall shocking to see
She has done all that is humanly possible. It is the people now who will have their say
The Italian Prime Minister, Mario Monti, will have internal struggles to get everything up and running
There is a block obstruction, about 8-9 people, who will want to give their own power
They will be sidelined in order for matters to be got underway, only to encounter another obstruction
It will literally be like trying to limp to the finishing line with various stops along the way
Italy’s currency to devalue further. Austerity measures, no matter how severe cannot now save this country. It is a bottomless pit
To see justice done in so many ways and for life to make a difference to the masses, a new thought dimension must evolve first
The greed of the nations repels the progress of the people. A new light to change destruction is now taking place every day
See Mankind fall to his knees and beg to be saved. Only then will the right order be formed
The Arab League now gathering in strength and momentum to safeguard their own feeble situations…
…A show of united strength gives them a platform from which to operate
It is, if you like, a moral booster. Bashar al-Assad will literally be squeezed out of office
Many Republican candidates for the American election will fall by the wayside. They will have no public opinion large enough in their favour
President Obama will continue unchallenged. His voice will be heard louder than ever and will carry favour with the American people
There will be an air strike towards Syrian army strongholds to adopt a similar tactic as was taken in Libya
The Arab League will operate strategic defence systems to bring Bashar al-Assad into line
Bashar al-Assad to acknowledge he is now being overwhelmed with opposition, will decide to hang on to power nevertheless
The Syrian President will be thrown off course with a legal statement giving him no right to rule anymore
His days are now running out as the Arab League is gathering momentum to overthrow his regime
His forces will have to lay down their arms as more and more opposition faces them also
Mario Monti will find it extremely difficult to put matters into place while Berlusconi still holds so much power
His influence stands to jeopardise talks on the new format required to move Italy on and out of this mess
Until Berlusconi is finally removed once and for all, Italy further sinks into the mire and Mario Monti knows it!
The German Chancellor will be vetoed with an idea that she has. She is on the brink of collapse. Her own health waning
For the Germans to hold their position and announce to the World that they can only go so far, will not save the rest of Europe
The German people will rebel on the constraints put on them largely through the laziness and corrupt Governments of the other countries
The German people’s voice will at last be heard and their voice is higher than any other
“We will not stand aside, neither will we stand with you – you must choose your own destiny either to survive or drown”
The World must come to realise there is no easy solution to the financial crisis in both Europe and America
Both in their own way blame the other for taking unnecessary risks with too few safeguards. This policy has been going on for decades
Now the full might of Universal Law is upon each and every one of us to pay the price for this increasing negligence
Man must start to understand and learn what he sows so he reaps…
…This financial crisis is now the reaping of a foolhardy regime of subsequent Governments
So now you all are in no mans land and that is where you will remain while all is breaking down around you…
…until the World finally wakes up that they cannot and must not go back to the old thinking of monetary values
It is ‘Our’ policy to turn matters around when ‘We’ decide, not when Governments decide, that is why all is held in a fractious limbo state
Nothing will change until it is decided and not by human means or intelligence
The full wake up call has not yet been addressed. This is further to come in
Then the World will listen!
The economic situation to take a violent drop again as share prices tumble to a new all time low sending markets panicking once more
The IMF to come under criticism of their policies, which are becoming too stringent
Christine Lagarde to defend her position rigorously
See the World Banking Corporation finalise a deal to enable growth globally to occur
The economic situation to reach an impasse in all countries. No country can go forward at this time
All European countries are now waiting like the Titanic…
…having hit the object, which is now ripping the guts out of the hull, are waiting to see its eventual fall
The belief system to each and every government is disbelief. They all thought they were unsinkable, the structure would hold them
They took their eyes off the economic course for far too long. The injury all consuming
The economy of the entire world is now threatened and can no longer be ignored
Even China, which has enjoyed largely a stable government, will be rocked to its very core
There is an unstable aspect, which has an undercurrent and the Chinese have tried to make light of it
They can no longer ignore their own social and political discrepancies
See the people breaking out in demonstrations, especially in the northwest aspect. Again the power of the people will be heard
Berlusconi is in such a turmoil he doesn’t know what to do. He is teetering on thin ice and he knows it
The Italian economy crashing down all around them, the Government on shifting sands before they are entirely swallowed up like quick sand
All in the Government will have to look at themselves. The people in abject horror and disgust – an outcry to come
To understand the man Berlusconi is to see the infant playing badly and there is no teacher to reprimand him
The Higher Intelligence always deals with matters at the right time, so events swallow up that person entirely. There are no more chances
To allow Mankind to emerge from the depth of despair can take a lifetime…
…but in the end it is the individual’s journey that realises that time
Once the mindset has changed for the better, through visible instruction, so the recovery is swift indeed
Every soul who understands this journey of life bears its own fruit…
…None are forgotten and the outcome is due to the soul’s evolvement alone and not on the back of another
As the politicians fail to agree on their own rescue policies, they are still at loggerheads with each other
The people of this world wait with breath held to see politicians govern and to find the right solution to these monetary policies
The true answer is they have no solution
As ‘I’ have said before, they are in no man’s land and will remain there until the right solution is shown to them
Until then they must just flop around like headless chickens not knowing how to deal with this monetary mess, which simply grows and grows
Silvio Berlusconi will be brought down by his own party members
Italy now is completely at a standstill. It has no direction. It cannot sustain its needs and gridlock has already occurred
The Italian people will riot. The pain for them too unbelievable to believe
See the very rock foundation of Italy shudder before the very eyes of the world. They have not seen anything yet!
George Papandreou will be dismissed out of sight. His mismanaged reign to the people of Greece, now their legacy to deal with
Out of the furore a new parliament will emerge with strict fiscal union to move matters to a higher ground of productivity
They will need to sell many assets in order to achieve a more stabilising effect
The heart of the people will re-emerge and a more consolidated front out of European control can be established
Start to see the Euro crumbling further. It is like a hot potato…
…Nobody wants it. It has too much drag on it, too much filth. It is now worthless
Stock Markets are poised on the brink of anarchy. They cannot stabilise something that keeps on falling away from them
The Stock Markets are on shaky ground all clambering to be safe, not knowing if they are the next to go
They all know that they have bled people dry…
…and their false form of financing, together with their ultra egos, is now what is staring them in the face
The entire Greek Government will have to resign. The point of no return now having been reached
The Greek People in utter uproar will see Molotov cocktails on the streets again
The Euro to slump to its all time low. It is unsavable and this should be realised
The Greek situation will further drop as talks with Angela Merkel and Sarkozy will prove irrelevant
The Greek Prime Minister will hand in his resignation after ballots will prove irreparable damage to his government
The Greek people further outraged, the people will flock in their millions to voice to their disgust
Look to the changes in the Iranian regime. The unrest that was local is now spreading rapidly throughout this land
Palestinians will be shocked again as there will be a backlash to their proposals…
…They should not give up. The window of opportunity is finally stirring
See a Higher Intelligence force a settlement through, whereby Palestinians can get what is so rightfully theirs
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