No one is ever forgotten in the scheme of things. Breakthroughs happen in an instant and when you least expect it
All who are called to action will be able to respond – the heart and soul energised for that moment
On the battlefield of war it is the survivors who must pay the price for those whose lives have been sacrificed for the great cause
Be at peace all you who have suffered long term affliction. Allow the help given freely from the Universe to disperse all fear pain & sorrow
The unsettling feelings of change will then blossom out into glorious abundance and freedom of the spirit
To love life is to see it as being worthwhile in your eyes and the rest becomes simple instead of complex
Healing takes place at the inner core. The incomprehension of the task is not necessary to know. It just happens anyway
No life is ever wasted. All have brought something to this world. Their input priceless and forever
Take nothing for granted. All has purpose and meaning and all is subjected to a greater purpose from which we all benefit
Look at the turmoil of the last few days. Know that all must reach their Maker at the appointed time. None are lost from his loving grace
Out of the mayhem a new extreme calm overcomes the emotion. It’s as if one is in a dream. The reality not yet accepted
Then the emotions spill over, but the numbness will remain until the soul is ready to accept the outcome
None can help the other. All must face their inner pain and life is restored with the acceptance and not before
See the light emerge through all corruption on every level throughout institutions around the world. None are safe anymore
The voice of the people expect standards to change. No longer will they be blinded or be the victims of mismanagement in their own countries
New cooperation within countries and borders to support the indigenous people of that country is now being implemented
See the Press hammer home new operatives to take on their own actions, which have run amok all these years
The Press themselves will feel vindicated as they cut themselves away from the old systems of working and abide by the new rulings
Many journalists will erupt telling of their own stories of woe and mismanagement. The truth from every corner now exposed
Heads of State will be in a position very soon to avert the financial crisis, but they will come to the brink first to recognise it
Nobody is safe anymore. All countries who do not abide by these treaties will be left to go under…
…By their own hand and negligence they bring about their own downfall
This policy will be forced on the banking systems around the world so that safeguards in every aspect will become the norm
Heads of financial institutions & Government officials to discuss the way forwards to prevent an on the edge disaster…
…which is where we are now. So many more institutions will have to fall. They have no longer a hold of security, there simply is no more
The people of America will stand up and object until their President has a free rein to conduct policy for their benefit
See a political uprising – the people and their President will be heard
It is necessary to point out an entire global economy is practically on its knees…
…For reform to take place a total rewrite of fiscal policy not yet seen before in ones lifetime is in full need of reformation
No financial institution is safe anymore. All have gone over the line. They literally will reap what they have sown
Reparation on a global basis will be given the go-ahead once new laws are in place
The stranglehold on America by their own people will see further downfall until they come to their senses & Congress releases this strategy
The rewriting of monetary policies will be forced upon these institutions. Stability must be the criteria over risk ventures
Everybody must put their houses in order to affect a better fiscal stimulus
The global economy will be brought to its knees until the realisation that we cannot continue to keep borrowing at an alarming rate
Never before in our lifetime have we seen such corruption and unrest. All will be sorted out. The Higher Intelligence has it in hand
The financial institutions in the peaceful world face their greatest challenges to date
All must fall in the light of mismanagement in order to bring about new policies to safeguard the populace as a whole
The European financial criteria will be torn up as new fiscal polices concerning all of Europe will be drawn up…
…This is unprecedented in this century
A monetary policy not yet thought of, but now being realised, will be produced to safeguard the financial markets of all nations
All must be able to abide or be left unprotected. The financial world already on its knees will have no choice but to comply
The Greece situation will explode out of control and the government will have no option but to resign. They cannot hold this nation
The entire country will be brought to its knees and a new directive will be required. They cannot be bailed out further
Italy will respond to the call of austerity and will be able to hold its course – just!
A second judiciary statement will allow all assets of Murdock to be frozen until every nook and cranny has been investigated
The legacy he leaves of all his companies will see one by one fall. All have borrowed against each other and have no solid foundation.
Total melt down will be achieved as he will have to face unlimited charges against him. His hands now are tied
The might of the law will force Murdock with a powerful injunction to stop all proceedings
See him face criminal justice over decades of interfering journalistic practices
The faith of the people will stand up and his shares will finally be wiped out. All who have invested in his practices will also lose
Rupert Murdock cannot stop this avalanche of public outrage towards him and his family. All are smitten with the disease of greed
To be announced a take over of BSkyB from another organisation waiting in the wings will emerge
The lies and constant deceit by this mega mogul will finally be his downfall
It is in the knowing that you are saved that salvation comes to you. It is in the trust of guidance that steers the matter through
We must believe in the Higher Power as not being judgmental against us…
…but understands our childish ways and makes good the wrongs we have committed
To be a pillar of strength through adversity is to see ones soul shine brightly in a sea of darkness and mistrust
To hold a young baby in your arms is to feel the extended life force from yourself through to that human being which is your child
The greater good that comes from you and is then passed on to another is always returned to you simultaneously from the Higher Power
Everybody now from the mightiest in the land to the smallest baby, all have spiritual experiences and confirmation is always given
To reap of the rewards of hard labour is to successfully see your future unfold with esteem happiness
Breathe the air of life. Know that all are saved who are able to ask for it and acknowledge its gift
To bring in a new idea is to see the reasoning behind it and to test its efficiency, then implementation becomes easier
Be not afraid to start again from scratch. Rebirths can be painful but oh so satisfying. Achievement is always made
The advancement of technology will see another space adventure arising out of the ashes of the old system
Nobody wants to make a move towards democracy unless they are given no choice….
…All have their own personal agenda to maintain. The greater good is hardly ever considered
To believe in a Higher Power is to trust in a wisdom greater than your own without the fear of reprisals
The World now is changing at a rapid rate. All fundamental life force plans will be in disarray until the purpose of life becomes clear
The wake up call has already been in operation, yet despite of numerous efforts to move forwards Mankind is still entrenched in the old ways
For the ultimate breakthrough to occur a more positive & spiritual stance must remove the old ways which have suffocated Mankind for decades
To become the true spokesperson for a people is to understand their mindset and have the same beliefs and aspirations
To produce a positive outcome, all must understand the agenda and to abide by the Higher ruling. Peace always must be the main criteria
When the true path is shown there is never uncertainty and the willingness is always to move on!
The world banks in crisis, they will fall one by one as will governments who flout Spiritual Law
See the restructure of large institutes as they come to their senses finally and work for the people who invest in them
Man is finally having his say and he will be heard among the drone of dictators, who have no foot to stand on!
For the world to keep on going in its disruptive ways will finally see a total collapse of every economy
See the emergence of a monetary system finally being protected and reconciled to a new order of practice to further stabilise governments
Every bank must now look to its laurels their system is not in favour of the individual but of their own pockets this will be their downfall
International Law will become effective in a positive way as a new structure will be the order of the day. All must adhere to its new policies
The cost in lives through Man’s reckless behaviour will all be accountable by the Higher Force. None can escape. All is seen
To bring Mankind to his senses one must be brought to the brink of devastation. Then and only then will the light of realisation be formed
The banks and governments will now be answerable to the people and a greater authority, where bank speculation will be a thing of the past
For the Euro to be effective confidence by governments to take it into the next step must be implemented
The currency can never be effective where unstable governments abuse their fiscal mandates
For the people of Greece to now go forwards a reconciliation of Parliament and its people must take place. Many wrongs must be put right
The people to shout and scream for justice and justice to these people will be given. Political heads will roll
For the entire banking system, a massive international overhaul will come into effect and the risk situation will finally be quashed
The financial institutions by Law will be rewritten so a safer more robust mandate is achieved and reinforced
All who operate outside the Law will see their assets stripped for all times, never to benefit again. Lessons will be learned
The rights of the people will be heard as more and more steps to bring about change for the people will be demonstrated
Justice for all is now expected and the will of the people will determine this act over and above all things
None are safe who operate outside the Law for the Higher Power will always rectify the balance no matter what the crime
The highest accolade is to serve Mankind in whatever way possible. The rewards are always miraculous
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